3 Awesome Years

Themify has turned 3 years old! This year has been an incredible year for us, we've recently released the awesome drag & drop Builder and now we're offering something more exciting - SALE! We would like to thank everyone for supporting Themify with a 40% promotion. Redeem the coupon AWESOME3 on the sign up form to receive 40% off any theme and club membership. This is a good time to join or upgrade to Developer Club. You can get all themes plus new releases for just $53.40 (normally $89). The sale ends next Monday, Aug 19, 2013.

3 year anniversary


The contest is over and the winners are: WPThemesNews, Ashmita Dobariya, Julie Geiger, VickyGhodke, and Jiang. Thanks for participating!

We're Giving Away 5 Developer Club Memberships

Send a birthday tweet to @themify for your chance to win a free Developer Club. Five random winners will be selected at the end of the contest.

How to enter the giveaway:

  • Follow @themify on Twitter if you haven't done so (optional)
  • Then tweet the following message (copy exactly):

    Themify is running a 40% sale to celebrate their 3 awesome years! Don't miss the promotion: https://themify.me

  • And then paste your tweet url in this blog post (you can get the url of your tweet by clicking on the date/time stamp of your tweet on the Twitter.com site)
  • Contest ends on Aug 19, 2013.