Free Themify Shortcodes Plugin!

Updated: June 28, 2017


Use 16 Themify shortcodes with the free Themify Shortcodes Plugin.  We've taken all the same shortcodes available in our Themify themes, and placed it into this plugin to give everyone the ability to use it with any third-party WordPress theme. This plugin also comes with a shortcode generator on the text editor, allowing you to easily insert shortcodes without having to manually type it and its parameters.

Demo Download Plugin

We've made a demo page that showcases all these and outlined what it comes with below:

  • Button
  • Column
  • Horizontal Ruler
  • Quote
  • Logged In User Message
  • Guest User Message
  • Map
  • Video
  • Flickr
  • Twitter
  • Post Slider
  • Slider
  • List Posts
  • Box
  • Author Box
  • Icon