New Builder Addon: Countdown

Countdown preview

Introducing our newest addition to our Builder addon line-up: Countdown - perfect for building hype prior to launching your site, events, or release of a new product or promotion. This intuitive module allows you to choose any date and time, with the ability to place a countdown timer on any row on your site, showing the number of years, and the specific number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Each number is placed in its own box container where the color and opacity can be adjusted from the color picker. Aside from this, the labels can also be changed to any language or text that you would like. The module gives you 3 options to choose from once the countdown finishes; either to "Do nothing", "Redirect to an external URL", or "Show Content". Finally, the styling panel allows you to customize the look of the your timer, with the flexibility of choosing desired animation effects, background colors, font family, padding, margin, and border.

Check out the demo page to see the Countdown module in action and to preview how it'll look once the countdown ends!