New Builder Feature For Cool Gradient Text!

Gradient text styling

Move aside Photoshop! Make your headlines pop easily with our Builder’s groovy new Gradient Text feature.

You can now add stylish and attractive gradient styling to any text with Builder styling. Whether you’d like your text to cascade from two, four, or eight beautiful colors, you can select any hue with as many gradient stops as you want.

Gradient styling will also work for responsive design. This means that you can style a different gradient for desktop, tablet, and mobile and ensure your audience is receiving the same viewing experience, no matter the medium.

A few extras we’ve added to the gradient styling include angle and opacity settings. This means you can change the rotation of the gradient setting to any angle, from horizontal to diagonal, to vertical. Or tweak the opacity of your text to become semi-transparent.

Eliminate an extra step, and take full control of the gradient setting of your texts with the Builder’s new feature! Update your Themify themes and all Builder Addons to get this new cool feature.