Page Break, A New Builder Feature!

Ever create a page displaying a lot of media and written content? If that's the case then you've probably run into issues such as a slow loading times, or perhaps not enough visual imagery to balance out the text. Load pages faster and increase page views by using our new 'Page Break' feature!

The problem with long pages rich with media content is that it slows down the load times of your page. This can cause readers to click away because of long load times, or perhaps there's too much text and too little visuals. Whatever the reason, this will eventually lead to poor SEO ranking.

However, by using Themify Builder's new 'Page Break' feature, you can fix this problem. The page break module, allows you to break your Builder layout into multiple pages. Making your pages load faster while still allowing your readers to read all of your content. Because Page Break segments and spaces out your post in a natural way, this creates an easier reading experience for your viewers, and also increases your page views!

Get going with this new feature by dropping a Page Break in between any of your rows. There will also be a page counter on top of the page break module so you can keep track of your various pages. And as soon as a page break module is dropped, a page break occurs, and a pagination navigation will appear at the bottom of that row.

We hope you enjoy this little update. Let us know if and how this was helpful to you!

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