Shopo: A New Ecommerce Theme

Please welcome our third ecommerce theme, Shopo. It is designed for larger shops with large selection of products. It has many promotional areas: duel navigations in the header, welcome message, feature slider and product slider. Functionality wise, it is similar to the other two ecommerce themes that we have: MinShop and ShopDock. Unlike the traditional shopping cart experience, the ajax shopping cart built in this theme allows your customers to add/remove items from the cart without redirecting the page. And of course it is responsive! The layout automatically adapts to user's viewport area beautifully. It works on desktop and mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, and Android.

As usual we are offering a 30% disount code for this new theme. Use the coupon code "shopo" for a 30% discount off this theme until May 31, 2012.

shopo blog image

Responsive Design

No matter what device, desktop, mobile, or tablet, that your visitor is using to access your shop, Shopo is promised to deliver a consistent layout and experience.


Top Bar Shopping Cart

The fixed position top bar makes it easy for your customers to browse and shop around the site. When an item is added or removed from the cart, it updates instantly. Try it yourself: go to the demo and add some items to the cart.


Welcome Message

The welcome message area allows you to write custom promotional text.


Custom Search Option

The search form has an option to search within the blog or shop.


Feature Slider

You can use the large panel slider to highlight your shop and products.


Customizable Product Slider

The product slider is completely customizable. You can set it to display featured products or any product category along with visual options such as number of visible slides, scroll, and animation speed.



The WooCommerce is required to run with this theme. It is free for download. There are numbers of extensions for you to extend the shop such as different payment gateways, table rate shipping, importer, wishlist, and more.
