Theme and Framework updates


Since our last major framework upgrade, 1.0.3, we've been working on cleaning up a few things with our code. We heard there were issues with a few specific plugins, that have been lingering since we launched, and we've made sure to correct those issues in a theme wide update. This update is, primarily, all about squishing bugs.

All themes have gotten a version update today along with our framework. To clarify, for some that may be confused, our themes and our framework/platform have two different version numbers. You could, for example, be running version 1.1.7 of the Blogfolio theme but you may be running version 1.0.2 of the themify framework.

We hope that everyone will stay up-to-date with us now that we can push updates much easier with the auto-upgrader (built-in since framework version 1.0.3). If you want to learn more about what we've changed specifically you can read more in the change logs here: