Theme Auto Upgrade is Back

Over last month we put our main focus on improving our framework. We are happy to bring the auto upgrader back to live. We've rebuilt our previous auto upgrader using the WordPress core automatic upgrade function. It compares your current theme version (specified in style.css) with our latest version. If an update is available, it will display a notification above the Themify panel. All you have to do is click "Update now" and it will update the theme files on your server with our latest theme zip. Any file created by the user will leave intact.

auto upgrader notification

Upgrade Now

In order for the auto upgrader to take in effect, you must need to upgrade your theme with Themify framework 1.1.1. Please download the latest theme zip from the member area and upgrade your theme.

Customization Made Easier

The new framework also made customization easier. We've renamed some of the files: config.xml renamed to theme-config.xml, custom_functions.php = theme-functions.php, custom_modules.php = theme-modules.php. Now you may create a custom-config.xml to override the default theme-config.xml. You may add PHP and WordPress functions in custom-functions.php and custom-modules.php (note it is a dash in the file name, not underscore). Any PHP function in custom-functions.php and custom-modules.php will be added to the theme. To add custom CSS, you may create a stylesheet custom_style.css and it will be added to the <head> automatically. Any files created by you in the theme folder will not be overwritten by the auto upgrader. So we strongly recommend you that do not edit the theme core files. Use the custom-config.xml, custom-functions.php, theme-modules.php, custom_style.css, child theme and the Themify panel for customization. This will prevent the auto upgrader from overwriting your customization work.