Themify Framework 1.2.2 Update

We are very proud to announce that we are releasing a very substantial update to the Themify framework, fixing many bugs, adding wanted features, and cleaning up our code to be in compliance with the WordPress standards. All Themify customers using our themes will be able to update to the newest framework, but please read the instructions below! Here are some of the highlights of updating to Themify Framework 1.2.2:

  • Hooks - We are introducing hooks to our themes. Hooks help easily add content and functions without having to wrangle code and modify the templates. Check the documentation on how to use hooks.
  • New Image Uploader - We have replaced our image uploader with the core WordPress media uploader. Now you don't have to worry about those pesky upload permission issues.
  • Right-to-Left (RTL) Support - The Themify panel now fully supports Right-to-Left, or RTL, languages.
  • Streamlined Code - We have updated the code for all of our themes, bringing them in line with the most up-to-date WordPress standards. We cleaned all of our templates by creating a new function that is more efficient and will be used, from now on, in all of our themes. All AJAX processes are now within the WordPress environment, making them much safer and standardized.
  • Sidebar Changes - In order to make the sidebar name translatable, we added a sidebar ID name to all sidebar registration. Please read below before you upgrade.

To Upgrade

Usually when you upgrade Themify themes, it is a seamless and painless process. This time however, you will have to do a bit work (We promise that it's quick!) before upgrading the theme. Because the sidebar registration name has changed, you will need to backup the active widgets before upgrading the theme, otherwise the widget settings will be erased.

To upgrade the theme without losing the widget settings:

  • Be sure you are using WordPress 3.4+. If not, please upgrade WordPress first.
  • Go to Appearance > Widgets, drag all your active widgets to the Inactive Widgets panel
  • After you backed up the widgets, go to Themify panel page and you should see the upgrade message box above the Themify panel. Then click 'Update now' to upgrade the theme. If you don't see the upgrade message, it means the version checker is cached. Just come back later to check the Themify panel again. Read auto upgrader for more details. If the auto upgrader doesn't work, you may upgrade the theme using a FTP software.
  • Then go back to Appearance > Widgets, drag the widgets from the Inactive Widgets panel back to the sidebar panel(s)
  • If you forgot this step, no big deal. Simply go to Appearance > Widgets and reset your widgets or find the widgets in the Inactive Sidebar panel. The theme won't break.

This is a one-time occurrence, and it will not be a continuing trend in Themify theme updates. We apologize for any inconvenience it might cause.

inactive widgets