Safe to Update Themify with WordPress 5.3 and WooCommerce 3.8

WordPress 5.3 & WooCommerce 3.8 Update

There have been many changes on the WordPress scene with the newly released WordPress version 5.3 last week and the new WooCommerce version 3.8 a week prior. Before their releases, we tested their beta versions with 2 of our flagship themes, Ultra and Shoppe. There were no critical issues found based on the beta tests.

With their official new version releases, we've further tested them across our live demos using all Themify themes and plugins. We can confirm that all Themify themes and plugins are safe to update with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce. If you are not using the latest Themify version, please update it along with WordPress and WooCommerce's updates. If you encounter any issues, please post it on this blog post's comment form or contact us directly.

What's New in WordPress 5.3

  • Improved accessibility on admin user interface
  • Improved Gutenberg Editor (better Table, Posts, Columns and Gallery Block)
  • A New default theme, Twenty Twenty
  • New Site Health tool alerting you to issues on your site (eg. configuration issues, PHP version compatibility, security concerns, theme/plugin issues, etc.)

For more information on WordPress 5.3's new features, check out WP Beginner and Kinsta Blog.