Wumblr Theme Release

Say hi to our first ever Tumblr-esc WordPress theme - Wumblr. Make your WordPress installation look and feel like a Tumblr blog. 9 different post formats including 15 different color presets that help customize the look of each post. Along with 3 different column layouts for your pages this is definitely one of our best themes yet!

Use the coupon code "wumblr" for a 40% discount of this theme until Jan 14, 2011.

wumblr blog image

9 Post Formats

Wumblr provides a custom panel where you can easily manage the post format. It comes 9 different post formats: default, text, video, image, gallery, quote, audio, link, and status. Each post format has its unique layout.

wumblr panel

15 Color Schemes

The theme comes with 15 color schemes where you can style the post individually. For example, you can have yellow scheme for the note posts, black for the video posts, blue for the quotes, and so on.

post color

3 Different Column Layouts

There are three different layouts that you can choose from: 1-column with sidebar, 2-column, and 3-column layout.

wumblr layouts

Lightbox Gallery


Easy Video & Audio Embedding

Wumblr made video and audio embedding easier. To embed a video in the post, simply paste the embed URL (ie. YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) in the custom panel and it will handle the rest for you.


The audio is handled by HTML5 with fallback support. If user's browser doesn't HTML 5, it will display a download link.


Footer Widgets

You can choose to display up to 4 widget columns (optional) in the footer.

footer widget

7 Skins

This theme comes with 7 different color skins.

wumblr skins