Builder Update: Custom Post Type Removal

In an effort to make the Themify Builder simpler to use, we've decided to deprecate the following custom post types that originally registered with the Builder: Slide, Highlight, Portfolio, and Testimonial. Our finding shows that those custom post types have been causing a lot of confusion for new users, as they don't know how to add posts for those post types. Some users also complained that those custom post types add unnecessary menus on their WordPress Dashboard. Thus we've deprecated them in Themify framework 2.1.2 the Builder Plugin 1.3.1.

To provide backward compatibility, all of those post types and its associated Builder modules will remain functional if your site has existing posts of the deprecated post types. We've also created a free plugin called Builder Deprecated CPT that will unlock the deprecated custom post types, for users who would like to continue using these custom post types. This update does not affect the custom post types that are registered in the theme (eg. the Portfolio post type in Elegant theme will remain the same).

Builder Update Breakdown:

  • Custom Post Type Removal - Slide, Highlight, Portfolio, and Testimonial
  • Backward Compatibility - All existing custom post types on your site will remain functional.
  • Free Custom Post Type plugin - Builder Deprecated CPT is a free plugin you can download if you would like to continue using the custom post types.