Postline, A Theme Inspired by Facebook’s Timeline

Are you a big fan of Facebook's Timeline feature? You're going to love our newest theme, Postline (view demo), a responsive theme with infinite scroll inspired by Timeline. It is designed to capture different types of post formats like quotes, videos, images, galleries, and many more, allowing you to tell your story on any resolution, whether desktop or mobile device. In addition, Postline is built with infinite scrolling, meaning posts are loaded automatically when you hit the bottom of the page. This theme is perfect for bloggers who want to showcase their photos and videos that are time-sensitive like travel or food photos!

Get this theme at a discounted price: use the coupon code "postline" to save 30% off this theme until Sep 2nd, 2012.

postline blog image

Responsive Design

The layout of Postline automatically adjusts to the width of the viewport so your story will be told on any resolution whether it is a large desktop display or small mobile screen.


Timeline Layout

We were inspired by the simplicity and beauty of Facebook's Timeline, so we created a WordPress theme that makes it easy for bloggers to tell their story, on their own blogs.


List and Grid Layout

For those who would rather not have the Timeline layout, the regular layouts are available such as 4-column, 3-column, 2-column, or list post.


Infinite Scroll or Traditional Numbered Navigation

Postline utilizes infinite scroll, loading more posts automatically when hitting the bottom of the page. In addition, traditional numbered navigation is also an option for those who aren't so keen on infinite scroll.


WordPress Post Format Support

Postline is designed with WordPress post format support, allowing bloggers to publish Tumblr-like post content such as quotes, videos, images, galleries, audio, and much more.


Video & Multimedia Lightbox Content

Featured images can display embedded videos and lightbox content such as images, videos, or iFrame windows.
