Google Now Favors Mobile-Friendly Sites

It is official now, Google's latest formula favors websites that are defined as "mobile-friendly". If you don't want to lose your rank in mobile search, be sure your site design is mobile-friendly. If it is not, don't need to panic. We have a quick & affordable solution for you — simply switch to any Themify's responsive theme. We've been building responsive themes for many years. All our responsive themes pass the Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.

How to test if your site is mobile-friendly?

  1. Go to Mobile-Friendly Test
  2. Enter your site URL to analyze
  3. If you get "Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.", it means your site passed!

Below are some of the reports of our responsive theme demos:


  • If you see a message "There was a problem with the request. Please try again later.", click on the "Analyze" button to get the report (the tool might be busy).
  • We have only listed a few of examples above. You may use the Mobile-Friendly Test to test all our responsive theme demos.