Create a Scroll-to-Next Section Button

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A popular feature that's used by many sites is full height. It's applied on certain sections/rows to create a clean, simple design. However, although it looks nice, this feature requires you to scroll through your site to ensure that your visitors does not miss any information. A technique used to encourage users to continue to scroll, is by adding a scroll-to-next button. This could be an icon, an image, or just a plain arrow down button. We've made this tutorial to showcase how you can create your own scroll-to-next section button on any row on your site using the Themify Builder plugin or any Themify theme. And we're going to replicate how we inserted the arrow down icon on the Simple theme demo as the main example.

Step 1:

  • Visit the page on the frontend, click "Turn On Builder"
  • On the second row, enter the Row Anchor Name (eg. enter "products" as row anchor name)

step 1

Step 2:

  • On the first row, drop in an "Icon" module
    • Select the desired size and Icon Background Style
    • Insert the icon and enter the row anchor link (eg. #products)
    • Optional: click on Animation tab and select a desired animation effect

step 2

More Examples:

Below are some nice showcase sites with full height section incorporated with scroll to next section button.

  • design by atlantis site Project:Design by Atlantis
    Base Theme: Ultra
  • fresh canvas Project: Fresh Canvas
    Base Theme: Landing
  • The Crazy Travel Project: The Crazy Travel
    Base Theme: Infinite
  • Pitch Vantage Project: Pitch Vantage
    Base Theme: Corporate