Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google's PageSpeed Insights

Ranking higher on Google searches likely means the number of visitors crossing your page will increase as well. But how do you ensure you make it to the top of the Google search list? Well, there are a variety of factors that play into how high your website ranks.

You can improve your Google search ranking by adding an SSL certificate to your site, translate your site to be multi-lingual, or you can ensure your site loads super quickly! That's what we'll look at in this foundational tutorial, and we'll show you just how to achieve a powerfully fast WordPress site!

For this tutorial we'll be using Google PageSpeed Insights to monitor and evaluate our page speed scores. First, we created a demo site that we set up using the Ultra theme. We then used the free plugin, Autoptimize, in order to streamline, compress, and minify various aspects of the site, using the settings we'll list further below. We then ran a test of our site through PageSpeed Insights, and ta-dah!

Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google PageSpeed Insights 100 percent pagespeed score

Demo Site

As you can see, the score is 100/100 on desktop. It's also 97/100 for mobile. We'll show how you can achieve a 90-100% score on PageSpeed Insights, step by step.

Ps. Full disclosure - the demo site we've set up, isn't as heavily loaded as some other sites might be with many more videos or photo content. But this tutorial should at least boost your current PageSpeed Insights score.

Run A Speed Test

First, to see the most true results, run a test of your site before uploading Autoptimize. You can run your page speed test here.

Installing Autoptimize

Next, install Autoptimize:

  • WP-Admin Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > search for "Autoptimize" > Install > Activate

Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google PageSpeed Insights

Autoptimize Settings

To configure the settings, go to:

  • WP-Admin Dashboard > Settings > Autoptimize

Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google PageSpeed Insights

These are the recommended optimize settings:

  • Optimize HTML code:

Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google PageSpeed Insights

  • Optimize Javascript files:

Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google PageSpeed Insights

  • Optimize CSS code:

Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google PageSpeed Insights

  • Save aggregated script as static files:

Themify Tutorial How to Score an A+ on Google PageSpeed Insights

After you have finished selecting the appropriate settings, view the site on the frontend with incognito mode (this is necessary so that the scripts/cached files will be generated).

Then go to Pagespeed Insights, and run a final test of your site! And you're done. You've just optimized your entire site to load faster than ever before.

Want to make sure your website is found and loads even faster? Check out this tutorial on creating SEO optimized images, or read up on our latest tutorial. For more insight information on how to speed up WordPress sites, read the "26+ Ways to Speed Up WordPress Sites" on WPblog.