New Themify Tutorial Video Series!

Themify Builder Basics Image

A tutorial video series has been in the works for some time, and after honing and tweaking our Builder (as well as our video editing abilities), we are excited to introduce you to them!

Our brief tutorial videos are a perfect starting point if you need a crash course on how to use the Themify Builder. The videos feature the latest version the Builder (Version 4) and set you up to successfully start creating and finalizing your dream website.

Our Themify Tutorial Video Series so far include:

  • Builder Basics: Begin with the basics! Learn to add a module, row, and column, learn about Builder Layouts & Builder Rows, learn shortcuts, and complete Undo/Redo actions.
  • Responsive Styling: Learn how to setup tablet or mobile layouts.
  • Revisions: Learn how to save layouts as you edit with the Builder.
  • Builder Library: Learn how to save a module/row and reuse it, and learn to save as Layout Part and live edit it.
  • Scroll To Row: Learn how to make a single page menu.
  • Row/Column Frame: Learn how to decorate your row/column.

Even for our more seasoned members, these videos might inspire you and remind you of some basics you may have forgotten. Note: The video showcases the latest Builder version 4, which is going to be released very soon!

We’d love to hear your feedback and comments on our series. Please feel free to leave a note below, and let us know what you’d like to see more of!

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