Themify Framework 1.3.3 Updates

Please be advised that all our themes have been updated to framework 1.3.3. We've rebuilt the framework's data structure for better performance. The major change is the theme option panel's config file. The theme-config.xml file has converted to theme-config.php. The theme-config.php file is now localized. This means you can translate the tab labels in Themify panel. The old theme-config.xml or custom-config.xml files will no longer be in use. If you currently have any custom-config.xml file, please re-create a custom-config.php based on theme-config.php.

To upgrade:

You should see the upgrade message on the Themify panel page. Click "Update now" to perform auto upgrade. Note: please ensure you upgrade entire theme, not just the framework.


After you upgraded the theme, it will prompt you to update the data. Click on the backup link to backup a copy of your current setting data. Then click "Update Now" button to update the data. All your existing settings data should be converted after the upgrade. If you encounter any issue, please post on our forum or contact us for support.
