
New in Themify Framework 1.3.4: Google Web Fonts selection

Themify themes have long used Google Web Fonts, since it's the most widely used and reliable open font service. We're now taking a big step further by giving users the chance to select any font from the wide selection Google has to offer, directly from the Styling panel in the theme settings area.

Selecting Google Web Fonts in Themify Styling panel

After upgrading to Themify Framework 1.3.4, you'll be able to select Google Web Fonts for any typographic area in the theme, from the body text font, to headings, form elements, navigations and so on. As shown in the image, the web safe fonts are still available for you to choose.

Just remember that each Google Web Font you select adds a slight footprint to your site loading, so while you have the entire Google fonts repertory at your fingertips, you should wisely use only those that you really need to keep the good performance of your site.


  1. ThemesDown
    Apr 25, 2013 @ 02:08

    Cool nice update, really like the new fonts


  2. Lemuel
    May 19, 2013 @ 23:54

    Thank you Themify. Good job!


  3. Dmitry
    May 27, 2013 @ 18:05

    Add please russian google fonts support to your framework.
    Just add cyrillic/latin/ support.
    In my case i must get and put google font code in css manually… it is not comfortable for me…

    Thank you!


    • Nick La
      May 29, 2013 @ 16:23

      This has been added to our todo.


  4. Claudiu
    May 31, 2013 @ 23:44

    Super cool feature. Unfortunately for me I’ve just see this! :)) Hope you will include some Romanian fonts too. Keep up the good work.


  5. theperfectnose
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 12:03

    Thanks for setting this up guys. Just wanted to double check: if I use the same Google font for everything will that make my site load slower than if I use that Google font for Headings only? Cheers.


    • Nick La
      Jun 11, 2013 @ 00:37

      The fonts can be used for everything (eg. body text) or headings only. More fonts you use/select = more loading time. So it is recommended to stick with 2 – 3 fonts.


  6. Matt
    Jun 03, 2015 @ 20:35

    We are having issues with the Google fonts. Utilizing them presents a default font during load and then changes to our selected google font a short time later. This is visually very disturbing and hoping we are missing something on this feature to ensure it won’t happen.


    • Kurt Uy
      Jun 04, 2015 @ 16:13

      Hi Matt,

      Do you mind posting this on our support forum so that one of our developers can further investigate this issue? Please also, include your site URL.


      • Rashid
        May 12, 2018 @ 00:42

        How do I access the dev forum, because I also have issues with google fonts?



        • Kurt @ Themify
          May 14, 2018 @ 13:06

          You’ll need to be a Themify member in order to have access to our support forum ( With that said, do you mind contacting us here – ? This will allow us to provide you with more accurate support. Thank you for your patience.


  7. Rashid
    May 12, 2018 @ 00:40

    I just upgraded to version 1.9.9 and I do not see all the available Google Fonts in the dropdown. For example I do not see Lato font.

    Do you know what might be the problem?




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