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Frequently Asked Questions

Common Pre-Sale Questions

  1. Do I need extra cache plugins and CDN to achieve high score on Google PageSpeed Insights?
    Our themes come with built-in tools that are optimized for PageSpeed and performance. Read this tutorial on how to optimize your Themify themes for PageSpeed.
  2. Are there any recurring payments for the membership? What will happen if I don't renew my membership? Will I still have access to the themes I've purchased?
    All Themify products are a one-time fee, none recurring payment. Your purchased licence includes one year of free product updates and support. After one year, you can still keep and use the themes or plugins you've purchased, however you will no longer have access to​ file downloads,​ updates or support.​ ​ We offer 30% discount for renewals. You will receive a discount code 30 days prior the expiry date.​
  3. If I purchase a theme now and decide later that I would like to upgrade to join Club membership, is that possible? How would I go about doing this?
    Yes, you can definitely upgrade your membership anytime within the 60 days of your purchase. You simply have to pay the difference. To upgrade your membership, please contact us.
  4. How many site can I use my purchased theme? Can I use it for my client sites?
    All of our WordPress themes are licensed under the GNU General Public License. You may modify and use the themes on unlimited websites.
  5. Can I change the footer text? Am I allowed to remove the copyright info at the bottom? If so, how?
    Yes, you can remove/change the default footer text (e.g. Powered by WordPress - Themify WordPress Themes) by going to WP Admin > Themify > Theme Settings > Footer Text, enter your custom text in Footer Text 1 and 2.
  6. Does the Builder come with the theme or do I have to purchase it separately?
    The Builder comes built into all Themify themes. If you're using a Themify theme, you do not have to install the Builder plugin. The purpose of the Builder plugin is to use with a non-Themify theme.
  7. What's the advantage of renewing my membership?
    By renewing your membership you will be ensured that your always using the latest version of the theme and plugins. The updates also include code updates that ensures compatibility with the latest version of WordPress and all other third-party major plugins. In addition to this, you will also receive access to support forum for any assistance.
  8. Are all your themes responsive and mobile friendly?
    Yes, all our WordPress themes are responsive, SEO and mobile friendly (they pass the Google Mobile Friendly test).
  9. Do Themify themes work with
    Yes, but only if you have Business plan. Other than this, all other plans will not allow users to use any third-party WordPress theme or plugins.
  10. Can I use the demo images?
    The stock images used on our demo sites are for demonstration purposes only and are NOT included in the theme package. All images are subject to the copyright of their respective owners. Users are advised to replace these demo images with their own to ensure compliance with copyright regulations.

Common Support Questions

  1. Themify Builder can't turn on.
    If your Builder is not turning on, try the following steps to debug it:
    - Disable all plugins: disable all plugins first and check again.
    - Update theme: update the theme to latest version.
    - Reinstall the theme: if disabling plugins doesn't help, reinstall the theme. You can reinstall the theme at Themify > Updates, click "Re-install Theme" button. You can also reinstall themes by deactivating the theme, deleting the theme, and then re-uploading the theme zip.
    - Password protection: do you have any scripts or password protection or maintenance mode that might blocks access to the site? If you do, remove them.
    - Update WordPress: if your WordPress is not the latest version, upgrade it.
    - Server cache tools: if you have any server-side cache tools, disable them.
  2. How do I update the Themify themes and plugins?
    To update all yourThemify themes and plugins automatically, follow the Themify Updater documentation to install the Themify Updater plugin and insert your username and license key. You can also upgrade the themes manually.
  3. I get a blank screen or critical error message after activating or updating the theme.
    If you get a blank screen or errors after updating or reinstalling the theme, it might be PHP errors or conflicts.

    To fix it:
    - Connect to your server with a FTP software.
    - Go to the themes folder (wp-content > themes), rename the active theme folder to something else. WordPress will deactivate the theme.
    - Now try to access wp-admin. If you can access wp-admin, then try to reinstall the theme using the latest zip downloaded from the member area.
    - If you can not access wp-admin, go back to FTP > wp-content, rename the 'plugins' folder to something else. WordPress will deactivate all plugins.
    - Then try to access wp-admin again. If you can access wp-admin, try to reactivate the plugins one by one to find which one is conflicting.
    - If the above doesn't resolve the problem, please contact us or post the issue on the forums.

  4. Disabling the Image Script
    If you prefer not to use the img.php script, go to Themify > Settings > Image Script and check disable image script. Once the image script is disabled, a dropdown will be available for you to choose which image size to use. The image sizes (Thumbnail, Medium, Large) can be set at wp-admin > Settings > Media.
  5. How do I trim the post with the more link?
    Refer to more link documentation.
  6. What is the difference between "excerpt" and "content"?
    - Content: it will display the post's content and trim at the more link.
    - Excerpt: it will display the post's excerpt. If the post's excerpt is empty, it will trim the content at the default length and strips out the HTML code such as img tag, link, etc.
  7. How do I upload a logo image?
    Go to WP-admin > Appearance > Customize > Site Logo & Tagline > Site Logo, select "Logo Image" radio option and upload your logo image.
  8. How to disable comments on specific posts/pages?
    To disable comments on all posts/page:
    - Go to Themify > Settings > Default Layouts, select the "Disable comments in all Posts" and "Disable comments in all Pages".

    To disable comments on single post/page:
    - When adding or editing a post/page, there should be a panel called "Discussion".
    - If the Discussion panel is not visible, scroll to the top of the page and click "Screen Options", tick the "Discussion" checkbox, now the Discusion panel should be visible below the content box, uncheck "Allow comments" to disable comments on that post. Detail steps on how to disable comments.

  9. How do I translate the theme into different language?
    Refer to Translating Themes.
  10. I get an error while trying to do the auto theme upgrade with Themify Updater.
    First make sure your membership is still active (you can find this by loggging in the Member Area). Also make sure there is no typos when entering your username and license key on Themify Updater settings.If your membership is active and license key are correct, but the auto upgrade still fails, then download the theme zip and upgrade manually by reinstalling the theme.
  11. How to create a custom Homepage?
    To create a custom home:
    - First create a page 'Homepage'.
    - Now, go to WP-admin > Settings > Reading and set the 'Homepage' as your static Front Page. Do not set the 'Posts page' option in the Reading settings.

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