5 New Framework Features

You're going to love Themify even more with this new major update! Now available when you update to the latest version, we've packed 5 amazing new enhancements/features that'll make it easier for you to create an awesome WordPress site. Don't miss out, and check out these new features below.

Schema Markup - More SEO Friendly!

Structured data testing results from Google testing tool

We've updated all themes to comply the Structured Data guideline set by Google. What this does is that it annotates your content allowing search engines to better index your content. This data format allows users to view your articles, posts, or pages on search engines with more detail. Showcasing the author, post date, address, reviews (if you have any) and so much more. This basically gives users more information (i.e. ratings) before clicking your link on a search engine. It also help search engines to index your content better.

2 New Modules: Button & Icon

Buttons & Icons

We're very excited to introduce 2 new default Builder modules - Button and Icon. Similar to our popular button and icon shortcodes, we've created these modules with features that allows you to input your own custom link, font & icon styling, and apply animations to it. Now you can easily create a call-to-action button, or an Icon module that showcases all your social links, on any Themify powered site with the easy-to-use drag & drop Builder interface.

Builder Revisions

Builder Revison

Save or load Builder layout with revisions. Revisions gives you a "save as" like feature, allowing you to save your Builder layout with unlimited versions. The Builder will log this revision and allow you to revert it back, if you'd like. This is great for users who suddenly make a mistake when changing something from their site, and don't know how to fix it. The revisions feature will allow the user to load a previously saved version.

Visibility Control

Visibility Control

Choose which content to appear for tablet, mobile, or desktop. Now with our new visibility feature, you can choose to show or hide your content, depending if the user is viewing your site through a desktop, tablet, or mobile. This feature is great when you want to hide content (i.e. an ad) when viewed in mobile, to lessen the clutter as users scroll through your site. Or show a slider with images that are catered specifically for users who's viewing your site on a tablet.

Role Access Controls

Role Access Control

Not all users need access to your custom panel, customizer, and Builder. With the new role access controls, you can manage which user role is allowed to access those tools. This gives you control on who's allowed to edit the look and feel of your site.

On top of these great new additions to the framework. This update also comes packed with bug fixes and updates, to ensure that it runs smoothly with the latest WordPress.