Top 10 Themify Features of 2014

top 10 Themify features of 2014

We made this list to highlight some of Themify's features that we've seen various users use to help them design their sites. And as we welcome the New Year, we've got plenty of new features lined up for you. But before we start rolling out these new features. We want to make sure that no one missed out on all the other successful features. So we decided to create a top 10 list of Themify features of 2014 that you need to know going into 2015.

  1. 320+ Icon Library
    • We've created a huge icon library that's pixel-perfect and organized based on various categories. We've seen multiple users use these icons to highlight their services, social links, or personal skills. We've also integrated the use of these icons with various modules, such as the Feature module where you can use icons and create animated circles to showcase percentages.
  2. Parallax Scrolling
    • This is a popular feature that came with the release of the Parallax theme. With the parallax scrolling affect it allowed smooth transition, when placing background images, from row to row. This feature was later integrated into many other Themify themes, such as Corporate, Stack, Events, and Music.
  3. 6 Column Row Configuration (Video demo included)
    • Released close to the end of 2014, this Builder update was done to increase efficiency when adding columns layouts in your rows. It was built with 13 columns layouts and options to adjust gutter spacing. This was also made available to all sub rows and sub columns as well.
  4. Video & Slide Background
    • Designed to allow users to customize the look of each row. The video background slider allows you to insert any video files to be used as the background for each row. The video auto-loops and auto-plays as visitors view your site. The slider background allows users to show multiple images with a slider. With these background features users are given the ability to place a Text or any module they would like while the video/slider auto-plays at the background.
  5. Import/Export Builder Layouts (Video included)
    • Understanding the need to replicate or back-up page layouts, we created the Import/Export Builder layouts features. This can be found at the top bar drop down menu, where you turn on the Builder. The Import feature allows you to upload any .zip page layout files into the particular page you're uploading it to. While the Export feature allows you to copy an entire page layout as a .zip file which can be uploaded to another page or saved as a back-up.
  6. Extendable Builder Addons (Tiles & WooCommerce)
    • This feature allows users to further extend the capabilities of the Builder plugin. The extendable Builder addons allows users to choose from a list of specialized addons, to add as a module in their Builder. Two of the most popular addons are the Tiles and the WooCommerce addon. Tiles is designed to create the Windows 8 Metro layout, and the WooCommerce allows you to show your products anywhere in the Builder. So far we have 14 extendable Builder addon.
  7. Scroll-to-anchor Navigation Menu
    • Our one-page design is made possible with this feature. The scroll-to-anchor navigation menu feature allows you to create a custom menu that works solely for your one-page designed site. It anchors it to the row where you set the title of your row.
  8. Builder Row & Module Styling
    • The styling panel, made available on both rows and modules, allows users to customize the look and feel of their content. The styling options vary for each module/row. Some of the popular options are paddings, margins, borders, and background color & scrolling. For modules, this feature is found when the styling tab is selected. For the row, it's when you select the row option which is found at the upper left corner on each row.
  9. Builder Layouts
    • Builder layouts features are designed to allow you to import pre-built layouts into your site. It has multiple layouts to choose from and can be found at the top bar where you turn on the Themify Builder.
  10. Layout Parts
    • This feature is extremely useful for replicating the same content in multiple areas/pages (eg. client logos, contact info/map, banner ads, service list, etc.).The Layout Parts are re-usable layout parts that can be used either as a Builder module, or on any post content and widget using a shortcode. When the Layout Part is updated, any post or page using that Layout Part will be also updated simultaneously.

Which one's your favourite? Let us know by commenting below.

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