New Music Theme + Framework Redesign + Sale!

Exciting news from the Themify camp: we'd like to introduce Music, a theme with artists, musicians, managers, and app developers in mind. Responsive and retina ready, Music introduces fullwidth video backgrounds, embedded music players, and a slick design right out of the box.

In addition, we've been working on some behind-the-scenes projects in tandem with the Music theme: Builder and Themify panels have been completely redesigned, now including a Customize panel which allows for customization of the theme with a live preview from the frontend! Builder is also coming with new features like the aforementioned fullwidth video background, pre-designed Layouts, and a new feature called Layout Parts.

Music Theme

Music is a theme that brings art to life. Built for artists, musicians, and anything related to music, Music is responsive and retina ready out of the box. We've jam-packed it full of much-requested features (like fullwidth video backgrounds) and made the Builder more powerful to make it even easier to create truly unique and beautiful websites.


Music Theme Demo

Themify Panel Redesigned

While developing Music, we wanted to improve the user experience of using and customizing your Themify themes. We've completely redesigned the Themify panel into a flat design with a cleaner interface, and increased the overall font size for better readability. In addition, we've made the panel completely responsive to work on any sized screens, and replaced all graphic images with Themify Icons font to increase load speeds and make less HTTP requests.


Builder Interface Redesigned

Not wanting to stop at just the Themify panel, we also redesigned the Builder interface. On a module hover, Builder now indicates what module is in use, and we minimized the interface borders and strokes to provide a more accurate preview of what you were designing.


New Customize Panel

Giving our users even more power, we built a new Customize panel that allows the customization of theme elements and options with live frontend previews. You can select over 600+ Google fonts, use the color picker with opacity support, upload background images, set padding/margins/borders, write custom CSS, and much more.

In addition, you can easily set menu navigation, set the widebar widgets, and change the front page option. Watch the video below to see it in action.

New Builder Features

Builder didn't just get a facelift, we have made it better than ever before! New features include an Import/Export tool and the new Layouts and Layout Part feature, making work with client websites easier and better than before.

Pre-designed Layouts

Builder Layouts is a new feature that allows you to quickly import a Layout into any page or post. We include 8 pre-designed Layouts with Builder, out of the box, and you can create your own custom Layouts for your own personal use or for your clients. If you already have an existing post or page created with Builder, you can easily save it as a Layout without any issues.


Layout Parts

Layout Parts is an extremely powerful new feature for Builder that allows you to create re-usable modules that can be included into posts or pages. If you update a Layout Part once, any posts or pages using that Layout Part get updated at the exact same time. Save time and money with your projects by building and integrating Layout Parts!

Builder Import / Export

With the new Import/Export tool inside of Builder, you can transfer Builder data from one page into another, or even from one website to another website, making deployment easier than ever before. In addition, use it to back up your page designs, or use it for page design versioning!


Fullwidth Video Background

After receiving so many requests for this, we are tremendously happy to release the fullwidth video background feature in Builder. You can upload your own videos and use it as a fullwidth video background. Check this demo out to see it in action!



To celebrate our new theme, framework and plugin redesigns, and new plugin features, we're going to offer a 20% OFF sale on all of our themes and plugins from now until Friday, July 11, 2014! Use the coupon code 'THEMIFY' to save 20% OFF any purchase. Perfect for those who missed the National Day sale last week, or if you want to purchase any themes and plugins!