2015 Themify Showcase Site Competition Winners!

Themify Showcase Site Competition

Last week, we asked all of you to vote for your favourite Themify powered Showcase Site. It was an exciting week! We saw a number of contestants getting over 200 votes in one night. There were also instances where it was neck and neck with only a couple of votes separating 2 contestants from taking the lead. Now after one week and over 5,300+ votes later, we're pleased to congratulate the winners of our 2015 Themify Showcase Site Competition! Each winner will receive awesome prizes (including an iPad Mini 2), and the final 20 will be featured on our Showcase Page. Thank you again for all those who participated, and made this contest so much more interesting!

First Place - Make-End

Base Theme: Parallax

Second Place - Cater Trax

Base Theme: Corporate

Third Place - Fresh Canvas

Base Theme: Landing

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who participated and voted! Below is the voting breakdown, it's arranged from the contestants with the most votes to the least.


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