Building the Perfect Site for Red Haute Mama!

In this customer story, we're excited to introduce beauty queen and marketing/branding specialist, Laurie Balla. She shared with us her story about how she was able to create her pageant coach, Kirin Christianson's site - Red Haute Mama with the help of Themify!

profile image of Laurie Balla

Hi, I'm Laurie Balla! I'm a beauty queen and marketing & branding specialist who designs affordable and stylish websites primarily for small, women-owned businesses. I've been a programmer for over 15 years; I started coding in straight html and went from there. As a small business owner myself I found that other women owned business were having a hard time finding enough clients, so I began helping them get their businesses noticed.

Red Haute Mama homepage image

Finding the perfect theme & team with Themify

Thankfully, I discovered Themify when my client (and pageant coach) Kirin Christianson of Red Haute Mama needed an updated site. She helped me achieve my dream and win my first state title at 48 years old - Mrs. Indiana International (I'll compete at the Mrs. International competition this summer!). The least I could do was give her the best possible site that is beautiful, functional and easy to use. Easier said than done! We collaborated together and honestly had a hard time finding the exact template that would suit her needs. I was searching on YouTube for examples of a specific customization and came across someone who was using Themify on a regular basis. I decided to try it out and really liked it. I was also very impressed with the awesome level of customer service! Its easy to use interface and wonderful support team made the site happen. We were going for a specific look and feel, so the Ultra theme really met our needs as a baseline. We then customized it to refine the look and functionality.

Blog page

The level of support is fantastic with Themify! They usually get back to you within a day and sometimes that same day! They are super helpful and specific too. They don't just answer in a general way. They will send you the exact code that you need for your customization. Forever grateful for this product and the team, I signed up right away for a lifetime membership and am excited to use it in future projects so I can help other women shine as brightly as my crown! Creating websites, Marketing and Branding is my full time job and I love it. Developing Strategies so Women Business Owners can Thrive is what I am all about!

- Laurie Balla

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How have you used Themify for your site? Whether it's for your business site, personal blog, or portfolio, we'd love to hear your story and share it with other people! Please contact us.