How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Site With WooCommerce

How to Create Amazon Affiliate Sites With Woocommerce Plugin

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Many of you may have heard the term before but what exactly is affiliate marketing and how do you make money from it? To put it simply, affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting someone else's products. For example, if you promote a link to purchase another company's product through your website, and someone purchases the item through that link, you get a percentage of the sale. Pretty simple, right? The best part is that anyone can do it!

In this edition of our tutorial series, we will go over how you can create an Amazon affiliate website using WordPress and Woocommerce.

1. Get an Affiliate Amazon Account

You will have to make an Amazon affiliate account known as Amazon Associates. If you already have an Amazon account then you will be able to sign in, otherwise you will have to make an Amazon account.

Amazon Affiliate Sign Up

Amazon Affiliate Sign Up Process

After you complete the signup process, Amazon will then review and approve your Amazon Associates account.

2. Install WooCommerce

We are now going to install WooCommerce, which is an eCommerce plugin that allows you to create and manage an online store. From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New and search for 'WooCommerce'. Then install and activate the plugin.

Woocommerce Installation

Nice work! We have just installed WooCommerce and signed up for the Amazon Associates program.

3. Get the Amazon Affiliate Link for a Product

To retrieve the Amazon affiliate link for a product, you will have to login to your Amazon Associates account dashboard. Next, search for a product that you would like to promote. This should depend on the niche of your blog/website, so you will want to carefully select products that are related to the purpose of your site.

When you have found a product that you want to use, click Get Link and paste it to your product page in WordPress.

Amazon Product Link

4. Add the New Product with the Amazon Affiliate Link

Now, we are going to create a new product in WooCommerce and assign the Amazon Affiliate link that we have just copied.

Go to the WordPress Admin Panel > Products > Add New. This will open a new product page where we can edit the product information.

Add New Product

Great work so far. We are now going to populate our product with the product's information:

  • Add the product's title
  • Add a description of the product, you can use the description from the product's Amazon page
  • Add the Categories and Tags

Edit Product Information

After entering the product information, we want to edit the Product Data section.

  • Select the option External/Affiliate Product from the dropdown menu
  • Insert the product affiliate link from Amazon
  • Upload an image of the product
  • This is optional but you can add a gallery for the product

Edit Affiliate product information

The Add To Cart button will now link to the product page on Amazon and it can be purchased there. The Add To Cart button title can be changed to something more suitable such as 'Purchase Now'.

Change the button text

Please be aware that, you need to leave the 'Price' field blank. This will allow users to check the current price on Amazon. Amazon's affiliate program policies don't allow you to manually add the price.

Once you have completely filled out the product information, you can publish the changes. Now, you only need to add more products to the shop!

The end result should look like the image below. This was all achieved using our Ultra Theme. You can see that our affiliate product on the right (the book) is using the 'Buy Now' button instead of the 'Add To Cart' button.

The affiliate product in the shop

And done!

Congratulations! You've just set up an Amazon Associates account and are one step closer to creating a profit from any affiliate links you promote on your website. We've provided the technical expertise required in setting up the affiliate links, however, we recommend searching best practices of promoting said products in an ethically responsible way.

Great work. Now that you've implemented WooCommerce onto your WordPress site, take a look at the best plugins to supercharge it.

We're looking to add more basic tutorials for our Themify and larger WordPress community, so please enjoy and check out the next one!