A New WordPress Theme Builder Hero is Born: Builder Pro!

Themify Builder Pro WordPress Theme Builder Launch

Get Builder Pro

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re finally excited to announce that Themify’s Builder Pro is now ready for blast off! After countless hours testing and perfecting, we’re out of the beta phase and will be setting Builder Pro into the wild.

This completely new product is a whole new WordPress theme builder, allowing you to custom design your very own themes intuitively, from literally the header to the footer.

Builder Pro works by allowing you to build a complete custom theme by creating individual templates for any page you need – you can either start from scratch or use one of many pre-designed themes to start. Create templates for posts, pages, custom post types, a 404-page, search result page, and even WooCommerce templates, all without a single line of code. Builder Pro is one of WordPress’ foremost comprehensive theme builders on the market!

Pro Themes

Builder Pro follows the same theme system as core WordPress. A Pro theme consists all associated templates inside the theme. This allows you to build themes easier and faster, either for yourself or your clients. That means when you switch, import, or export a theme, all the associated templates will be carried forward.

You can build themes from scratch or import from our predesigned collection. To start, we have 3 predesigned themes at the moment. More themes will be available as we go. To see what Builder Pro can build, check the demos below (some of the following in progress themes will be released very soon).

  • Pro Accountant
  • Pro Magazine
  • Pro Lawyer
  • Pro Lifestyle
  • Pro Agency
  • Pro Minimal
  • Pro Craft
  • Pro Sport
  • Pro Construction

Pro Templates

With Builder Pro, you can technically build any template you can imagine. Check out the Pro Master theme demo we've created to demonstrate the power and flexibility of Builder Pro. With Builder Pro's display conditions, you can assign the template on the whole site or specific pages. It is so flexible that you can literally assign a different template for each post, page, category, custom post type, etc. (only if you want to).

Header Templates

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Footer Templates

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Post Archive Templates

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Post Single Templates

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Page Templates

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WooCommerce Templates

Customizing WooCommerce templates have always been very difficult and technical as it requires you to write a lot of hooks and filters. But those days are over. Builder Pro gives you full design controls on WooCommerce product layouts. If your site has WooCommerce activated, you would have the options to design custom templates for product archives and product single view. Again, you can assign the same template for all products and categories or have a different template for each product and category. Check out the demos to see some of the product templates available in the Pro Master theme.

Product Archive Templates

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Product Single Templates

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Dynamic Content

Dynamic content is an extremely powerful feature that allows you to create any custom design templates for any post type. You can use our Post Type Builder PTB or any custom post type plugin (such as Pods, Toolset, Custom Post Type UI, etc.) to register the post types and custom fields, then use Builder Pro to design the templates. You can design templates for both archive and single post view. To demonstrate the dynamic content feature, we've created two different demos using PTB and Pods. The custom post types and custom fields are created with PTB and Pods. The custom field data on the templates are displayed using the dynamic content feature.

Property and Movie Post Type With PTB

On the following dynamic content demo, the property and movie post type are created with PTB. Although PTB has its own template system, it lacks the styling features. So we use Builder Pro to create the templates for property and movie post type. As shown on the demo, the custom field data can be displayed as text with any HTML tags and the featured image can be displayed at any size or as a background image. It is extremely flexible to use Builder Pro as you can take full control on the design and styling without any coding. Best of all, it gives live preview with the data from the custom post type.

  • Property Archive
    Property Archive
  • Property Single
    Property Single
  • Movie Archive
    Movie Archive
  • Movie Single
    Movie Single

Property Listing With Pods

The following property listing post type is created with Pods. Creating the custom post type and custom fields with Pods is very easy, however, they don't have a visual template builder. It requires technical and coding skills to build the Pods templates. Using Builder Pro and the dynamic content, you can build any templates for Pods post types visually without any coding.

  • Property Archive
    Property Archive
  • Property Single
    Property Single

Advanced Archive Posts

Advanced Archive Posts (AAP) is the powerful module that handles the archive layouts on the above demos (Dynamic Content and Property Listing). Using the AAP module, you can place content anywhere you want in the archive post grid. You can drop in any module and enable the dynamic content to display any custom field data from the post. This gives you the ability to create unique and dynamic archive templates which no other theme builders can do.

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Using AAP on Static Pages

Advanced Archive Posts (AAP) module not only can it be used for archive templates, you can also use it to display archive posts on static pages as well. In the past, in order to display archive posts on a static page, you needed to use either shortcodes or custom coded functions. Now Builder Pro has made it very easy to display archive posts with custom layouts. Simply drop in the AAP module, select the post type to display, then customize the post layouts.

AAP on Static Pages

Dynamic Query

Don't like the typical archive layouts? You can spice up your archive templates by using the dynamic query feature. The dynamic query feature is available on any module that can display archive posts such as the MosaicSlider ProTimeline, and Infinite Posts modules. Take a look at the demos below to view a few examples of dynamic query.

  • Mosaic Module Dynamic Query WordPress Themify Builder Pro
  • Slider Pro Module Dynamic Query WordPress Themify Builder Pro
    Slider Pro
  • Timeline Module Dynamic Query WordPress Themify Builder Pro
  • Infinite Posts Module Dynamic Query WordPress Themify Builder Pro
    Infinite Posts

Import and Export

Builder Pro has made it easy for development. You can export the whole theme, which consists of all associated templates. Build the theme on your development site, then import it on your live site or client sites.

Pro Themes Export/Import

Get Builder Pro Now

To use Builder Pro today, you can purchase a membership for $69, valid for access to updates, downloads, and support service for a full year. It includes all the new Builder Pro modules and all 25 Builder addons. All Builder addons work with the dynamic content feature. You can design cool templates with the addons such as using the Builder Mosaic addon as archive template or using the Image Pro as featured image.

To support its launch, we have a multitude of resources including our extensive Builder Pro documentation and guide, as well as an entire library of Builder Pro video tutorials. Let’s dive into the Builder Pro world and see just how easy it is to use.

Note: Builder Pro requires to work with the Themify framework. You can either use a Themify theme or the free Builder plugin.

Builder Pro Launch Sale

To celebrate the Builder Pro launch, we are offering a 30% discount on all regular memberships and $50 off Lifetime Club from now till January 31st 2020!

Includes all themespluginsaddons, renewals, and even the Master Club membership - On Sale: $63!
Use coupon code: BUILDERPRO

LIFETIME access to all Themify products, updates, and support – On Sale: $199!
Use coupon code: PROLIFE