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Custom Menus

To create a custom navigation menu:

  • Go to Appearance > Menu
  • Click on "create a new menu" to create a new menu (eg. Main Menu).
  • Add the menu items from the left panels
  • To create dropdown menu: drag the menu item toward the right (the item(s) will be indented)
  • When you are done adding the menu items, click "Save Menu"
  • To assign menu locations:
    • Scroll down to the bottom where it says "Theme locations" and tick the menu location checkbox
    • Main Navigation = main menu in the header
    • Footer Navigation = footer menu in the footer (note: some themes might not have Footer Navigation)

Tips: the custom menu can also be used with the widget (go to Appearance > Widgets and drop in the Custom Menu widget). You may create additional menus by clicking the "create a new menu" link.


The "Custom Links" panel allows you to add menu link to external URL. For example you can create a link to Themify by entering:

  • URL =
  • Label = Themify
If you want to create an empty link (a link that doesn't go anywhere), enter:
  • URL = #
  • Label = Link Text

Removing the Default Main Navigation

To remove the default main navigation:

  • Create a new menu (eg. Blank Menu)
  • Do not add any link in the Blank Menu (ie. leave it empty)
  • Save the menu and assign it as the Main Navigation in the Theme Locations panel

With the Themify framework you have the option to show any desired icon along with a menu item. For that, while editing a menu item click the Insert Icon button and choose the icon you want to show on frontend.

To open the menu links in lightbox, add 'themify_lightbox' in the CSS Classes field as shown in the screenshot below. If the CSS Classes field is not visible: click "Screen Options" and then check "CSS Classes.

This is custom menu lightbox screenshot

Custom Menu Widget

To display custom menus in sidebar widgets:

  • First create the menu
  • Then go to Appearance > Widgets, drop in a Custom Menu widget to the widget panel
  • Select the menu and save the widget panel

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