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Write a Review Get a Free Theme

Write a review of Themify on your blog, and you can receive any Themify WordPress theme or plugin for FREE!

How Does This Work?

All you have to do is submit your website URL via the form below for evaluation. If your review is approved, you will get 1 Single Theme (Standard version) or 1 plugin of your choice. You must write a full and detailed review with structured topics and content: tell us the pros, the cons, feedback about specific features, modules, framework, skins, Builder, plugins and addons, etc. The more detailed the better! Consider providing screenshots of the design, the installation process, the user interface, and any other aspects you’d like to include. Once you’ve published the post, send the URL to us for quality inspection.

Additional Rules

  1. Your website must be a WordPress website.
  2. The website must not contain adult content, or any content that is associated with illegal activities.
  3. Your blog must have actual content, no spam or stolen content, and have a history of blog posts.
  4. We reserve the right to reject any entries.
  5. If the reviewer fails to keep the approved review published, we'll revoke the membership and access to the free theme/plugin.
  6. Only selected participants will be contacted.

To Apply:

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