New Global Style Feature

Themify New Global Style Feature WordPress Themes

After the awesome release of our latest and lightning fast Builder, we’ve been keeping busy working on more new and exciting features. Our new global style feature is here to make your designing days faster than before, by allowing you to save and load your style settings as a pre-set style template, or ‘global style’, on any module.

Previously, you may have duplicated a text or image module in its entirety, then modified its contents. Or perhaps you would create your modules from scratch every time. Well it might work just as soundly as creating and labelling each of your global styles but the main issue still remains. What happens when you want to refresh your site in the future or make style adjustments?

Themify New Global Style Feature Gif

The global style feature now allows you to edit any of your global styles, and once saved, the change will automatically be reflected on any module that is occupied by that style, on every page of your site. We’ve also created an awesome page on the WP Admin Dashboard allowing you to see and manage all of your global styles.

Update your theme or Builder plugin using our Themify Updater for the latest version. We hope this feature is a huge time-saver and helps streamline your designing process. We’re excitedly working on many more new developments. Check back here often, or subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop!