Framework Update: Prototype Builder Layouts Faster with Pre-designed Rows!

gif image of the new predesigned rows

It's an exciting time to be using Themify! We're making it easier and faster than ever to build layouts with the new pre-designed rows feature. Now you can easily drag-and-drop a pre-designed row on any page you're building, just like a module. This means that you can easily place a testimonials feature, a FAQs segment, or a features banner on any page of your website with just a few clicks!

This will instantly build the row for you with an image background, modules, and demo content. Each is responsive and beautifully designed for any type of site. It's all categorized with a preview image to make it easier for you to filter through each and find what you need. We've created 34 pre-designed rows for the initial release and we will adding more periodically, so stay tuned for that!

We have 7 categories and below is an example of each category:

  • Call To Action Row
    Call To Action
  • FAQs Row
  • Features Row
  • Hero Banner Row
    Hero Banners
  • Services Row
  • Sliders Row
  • Testimonial Row

New Module Panel

new module panel

We've also added a new module dropdown panel that appears at the end of each row. You'll notice that whenever you hover on a row, a purple "+" icon will appear. When you click the "+" button, a module panel will appear which gives you quick access to add modules and pre-designed rows. Now you can easily drag and drop a module faster without having to move your cursor back to the left panel. Update to the latest version now and let us know what you think about the new features in this post's comments! Looking forward to hearing from you all.