
These sites are by our members. Check them out for inspiration.

  1. Thanks Themify-Team, for letting us have now a such nice an comfortable Homepage. Looks nice, clear design and everything works like it should.With some 3rd Party-Plugins it´s a very powerful tool. It´s Easy to integrate our Events and what we also love is the friendly an very helpful support.

    Niklas Braun

    Jazz Club

    Based on Event

  2. Without a doubt Themify is a great tool, easy to use, friendly and intuitive. The best thing is its high configuration, which allows customizing websites to suit you. Highly recommended!

    Diego Valenzuela

    La Ruta Cuequera

    Based on Event

  3. EDCSA

    Based on Event

  4. Indian Summer Festival

    Based on Event

  5. I like Themify because customization and Themify admin panel helps me to customize my website even better than doing website customization inside theme files. The admin panel and customizer looks very nice and useful so I like it!

    Reinald Udras

    Reinald Udras

    Based on Event

  6. The Event Theme was perfect for my client's site where we were able to quickly build a child theme meeting all their needs utilizing the built-in features of the builder facilitated quick content input

    Megan J.D.Z

    Event Host Hub

    Based on Event

  7. Endelve Design

    Based on Event

  8. We love using Themify for our websites. For the Gourmet-Days in Kühlungsborn it was the best choice to use the Event theme. Big pictures and pretty nice layouts fit perfectly with the photographs.

    Martin Krause

    Kuhlungsborn Kocht

    Based on Event

  9. Since I found "Themify" templates, I build the websites for my customers with these templates. Are easy to customize, light. I love Themify Builder!

    Lili Lopez G

    I.P.S Cipres

    Based on Event

  10. Event was a great foundation theme which I was able to customise extensively to suit my client's needs. The Themify support staff were helpful and quick to respond whenever I need a hand with anything.

    Kactus Pie Design

    Tour De Cine Frances

    Based on Event

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