
Suco Updated with Responsive Layout

Suco Updated with Responsive Layout

Due to the many requests, we've converted Suco to join our responsive theme family (EleminFunkiMinblrWumblr, and iTheme2). Check out the demo and resize the browser window to see the fluid & responsive layout.


  1. Coupon Codes
    Aug 16, 2011 @ 14:58

    Sweety! Can you tell me, all Themify themes has been ready mobile – notebook like this?


  2. Rob Nester
    Jan 16, 2012 @ 16:29

    Is it possible to override the themify-modules.php file located under the /wp-content/themes//themify/ directory (in my specific case: /wp-content/themes/elemin/themify/themify-modules.php)?

    I utilize custom font families and want to integrate them into the elemin control panel for setting certain elements font family. I’ve located and updated the pertinent portion of the themify-modules.php file (around line 553) but I’ve found that auto-update overwrites my changes.

    I tried to use the “child theme” approach and placed a customized themify-modules.php file in the /wp-content/themes/elemin-child/themify/ directory, but it doesn’t seem to pull that in? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Otherwise, I’d like to say kudos to you all; I’ve been amazed at how easy it’s been to get my latest projects ( up and running.


  3. ve may bay
    Mar 19, 2012 @ 08:04

    Sweety! Can you tell me, all Themify themes has been ready mobile

