
PTB Bundle – The Ultimate Custom Post Type Builder!

PTB Bundle – The Ultimate Custom Post Type Builder!

All-in-one solution for creating any custom post type with WordPress!

Along with the two new PTB addons release, we are now offering the PTB Bundle—the perfect all-in-one bundle you'll need to create any custom post type! Pay one flat fee ($59) and get access to the Post Type Builder plugin and all the PTB addons which include: Extra Fields, Submissions, Search (New), and Relation (New). All these will give you the flexibility to create any kind of post type for any purpose. Whether if it's for a real estate site, to showcase your property ratings, gallery images, or map location. A food blog, to create a submission form allowing users to submit their own recipes. Or even a directory site where you can filter what users need to search for. All these are possible with the new PTB Bundle.

PTB Search (NEW)

Create advanced search forms for post types created with the Post Type Builder. The PTB Search addon allows users to search specific post types by filtering keywords, categories, taxonomies, and custom fields. It comes with the easy to use drag & drop form builder as seen in Post Type Builder. In addition, it also allows you to create multiple search forms for the same post type, so you can create different search forms for various purposes (eg. create a simple search form in the header area and advanced search form in sidebar widget). Check out our demo with the Property post type to showcase how this addon works.

PTB Relation (NEW)

The Relation addon links 2 post types created with the Post Type Builder. This allows you to query post type (A) while showcasing post type (B). It's perfect when you want to showcase a post, but also have some related posts that you think would interest your users as well. For example, featuring a celebrity post type (A) you'll most likely want to showcase the movies that a particular celebrity has starred in. With the Relation addon, you can create a separate post type called movies and query these movies automatically while users are looking through your celebrity post type. It's similar to how various sites suggest content for you to view, while viewing the current one. This addon is perfect to allow you to suggest other posts you've done that, you think your users may also be interested in.

We've featured this addon in the following pages on the PTB Bundle demo:

  1. Celebrity Relation
  2. Recipe Relation

PTB Extra Fields

Spice up your custom post types with the PTB Extra Fields. This addon adds 8 more field types in your post type meta box: video, rating, map, date, slider, gallery, progress bar, and icon. Allowing you to create more creative posts with the PTB plugin.

PTB Submissions

Allow users to submit and edit posts for your custom post types with the Submissions addon. Administrators have the options to charge a submission fee, auto publish, or approve submissions manually. It works seamlessly with custom post types, taxonomies, meta boxes, and templates created with the Post Type Builder — this means the fields on the submission forms are synced with the custom fields and templates.

PTB Bundle Demo Buy PTB Bundle
