Code Snippets

Here you'll find certain snippets to do some general common stuffs in Themify themes. Note that some snippets might not work in all themes.

General procedure to use a snippet

1. Create a child theme and create a functions.php in your child theme folder

2. Edit it, and paste this inserting the snippet you've chosen


// Snippet code goes here


If you already have a child theme and the functions.php file, you only need to add the PHP code inside the <?php and ?> tags.

Add audio player to home page header


 * Place an audio player in the header of the front page
function custom_themify_home_audio_player() {
	if( is_front_page() )
		echo do_shortcode( '[audio mp3="http://www.roxyg/wp-content/uploads/YOUR-AUDIO-FILE.mp3" autoplay="true"]' );
add_action('themify_header_before', 'custom_themify_home_audio_player');


Display the default Featured Image meta box again


 * Display WordPress default Featured Image meta box
remove_action('do_meta_boxes', 'themify_cpt_image_box');


Add author capabilities to the "tile" custom post type

This code is generic: if you want to add author capabitilities to portfolio or team, just replace "tile" with the desired custom post type key.


 * Add author capabilities to Tile post type
function custom_themify_cpt_add_author() {
	add_post_type_support( 'tile', 'author' );
add_action('init', 'custom_themify_cpt_add_author');


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