
Major Builder Update Equipped With Live Preview and New Features

After months of hard work at the Themify headquarters, we’re launching a major update for Themify Builder. We’ve streamlined the interface, reducing clutter and increasing the workspace, and added live preview! Now you can instantly see any changes you make as the preview is updated in real time. To see all the latest additions in our new update, watch our new Builder video and read more below.

Better User Interface

Less is More

The first thing you might notice is the new interface. It is less cluttered for a faster performance and a smoother workflow. All the tools are placed in the top toolbar, providing more working space in the preview area.

Builder new interface

Backend Interface

The backend has the same consistent-looking interface and tools. The module panel is purposely designed to have the same width as the WordPress admin sidebar. You can lock the module panel to keep it visible at all times making it easier to drag & drop modules.

Builder backend interface

Live Preview

The next feature you will notice is the live preview. As you type or make a change, it instantly updates the preview. When you drop in a new module, it generates the pre-fill content to suggest how the module works.

Builder backend interface

Column Directions

One of the nifty features we want to highlight is the column direction. It allows you to select columns to float from left-to-right, or right-to-left on all different breakpoints: desktop, tablet, and mobile. A good sample usage of column direction is to create a perfectly responsive zig-zag layout. The image below illustrates an example of an image and text block in zig-zag order. On mobile, you can see the two text blocks are stacked on top of each other, which does not flow nicely.

Example of bad responsive flow

To solve the above problem, now you can select the bottom row to float from right-to-left on mobile.

Example of good responsive flow

Responsive Grids

One of the most commonly requested support ticket items is how to change the grid row/columns on tablet and mobile. Now the responsive grid feature allows you to take full controls of grids on desktop, tablet, and mobile. The grid feature works together with column direction. With that being said, you can make responsive grids like the 6-column for desktop floating from the left, the 3-column for tablet floating from the right, and the 2-column for mobile floating from the left.

Responsive Grids

Important Upgrade Notes

  • All themes, Themify framework, Builder plugin, and all Builder addons are updated to the latest version.
  • You must upgrade all of them together (Themify theme/framework/Builder plugin and Builder addons).
  • If you see any errors or malfunctions, upgrading them to the latest version might resolve the problem.


  1. Denis
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 13:17



  2. Carsten Göke
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 13:48

    Dont understand how to upgrade?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Apr 05, 2017 @ 01:12

      To upgrade to the latest version, please go to Themify panel page (you should see the upgrade message).


  3. Kenny MacLeod
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 13:58



  4. Stefan
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 14:22

    This is best then Divi 3?


  5. Adauto Silva
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 14:47



  6. Scott B
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 15:56

    Beautiful! Looks great, hope its as stable. great work.


  7. Felix
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 15:59

    You guys did some fantastic update here!
    Makes me very happy to see something this fantastic

    Now please make the update Prozess easier or centralized at least, so I don’t need to update every theme and plugin on every page one by one and enter user and password over and over again like 5 times just for 1 page with a few builder addons

    Thanks and keep up the good work!


    • Bixby
      Apr 04, 2017 @ 18:44

      Yes, an easier way up upgrade and possibly even an auto upgrade option would be very useful!


      • Nick @ Themify
        Apr 05, 2017 @ 01:08

        You can auto update the theme on the Themify panel page.


  8. Brian Rice
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 16:03

    This looks really good. Can wait to take it for a spin! Looks like your really listened to developers, users. Fixed a few pet peeves for responsive layouts! Thanks


  9. James Guzman Méndez
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 16:08

    Column Directions

    Very smart solution that saves a lot of time …… I definitely made a great investment with


  10. Rob
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 16:15

    Looking great, thanks !


  11. Julian Fricker
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 18:16

    I’ve had a problem with my site which uses the Agency theme. All the fonts change from sans serif to serif, it’s the same on your own demo site:

    Then click on agency.

    The typewriter is also behaving strangely, when I preview it correctly uses the colour I want when highlighting the text but when I save it goes back to white background on white text which looks bad.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Apr 05, 2017 @ 01:10

      Sorry about this problem. This is fixed and released. Please upgrade Ultra again to the latest version.


  12. Larry Whaley
    Apr 03, 2017 @ 21:04

    Love the style of previews and greatly appreciate your continued updates to Themify!


  13. Alex
    Apr 04, 2017 @ 05:43



  14. Vee
    Apr 04, 2017 @ 06:44

    Awesome thank so guys


  15. David McCan
    Apr 04, 2017 @ 12:44

    Congrats. The new design is very attractive and live previews are great.


  16. Chris Topher
    Apr 04, 2017 @ 16:49

    You guys/girls have NO IDEA how happy i am for this update!

    I’m reading that you have responsive grids now, sitting in a coffee shop relaxing before I start work, and I don’t want to relax anymore… I’m eager to get on my computer and get everything updated and play with it!!!

    Themify really gives me a huge design advantage, without needing to BE a designer or developer to implement the changes i want to make to my site.

    Thank you for empowering me to make my website beautiful and functional for my customer’s!


    • Nick @ Themify
      Apr 05, 2017 @ 01:09

      We’re adding more new features soon. Hope we won’t disappoint you.


  17. Aamir Rehan
    Apr 04, 2017 @ 18:43

    Very useful updates. Thank you Themify.
    Your hard work is appreciated.


  18. Thomas Arciszewski
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 05:59

    Really great update, we were waiting for one like this, really good job ! thanks

    and I join Felix for the possibility bulk updates, would be another great update


  19. Brenda Jameson
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 13:56

    I’m using builder and several plugins but not a themify theme. Is there a way to autoupdate the plugins?


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Apr 05, 2017 @ 15:24

      Hi Brenda,

      Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to auto update the plugins without logging in your Themify credentials. We do apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


  20. Brenda Jameson
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 14:15

    Figured out how to update and now the A/B Image plugin doesn’t work. I deactivated it, deleted it and reinstalled as suggested but it still doesn’t work. :(


  21. Brenda Jameson
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 14:34

    What am I doing wrong? Updated everything. Both Image Pro and Image A/B still doesn’t work. :(


  22. Ryan Klimt
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 17:44

    All my sites are breaking since updating to this new version of themify. Please help. Created multiple tickets w/ no fix.


  23. Ryan Klimt
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 17:51

    • Nick @ Themify
      Apr 06, 2017 @ 18:42

      Thanks for flagging this. An update will be released asap to address that problem.


  24. Frankie Brito
    Apr 05, 2017 @ 20:01

    I really enjoy Themify and it makes things so much easier but it also makes me want to rip all of my hairs out. The mobile version is not responding at all on the Ultra Theme


  25. Redyed
    Apr 12, 2017 @ 02:27

    Fantastic update guys! Like the improved interface and speed. Always excited about upgrades like these! Love what you’ve been doing with Themify Popup as well.


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Apr 12, 2017 @ 17:30

      Thanks for the positive feedback :) We really appreciate it!


  26. Anees
    May 02, 2017 @ 13:13

    I am an economist by profession and Themify made me use building WordPress sites as a hobby. Now, I manage 7 websites all up with themify as the builder. The new version is amazing as I can see the look and feel it live before saving my site to be up. Thank you themify.


    • Kurt @ Themify
      May 02, 2017 @ 16:11

      Wooohooo! This is great news :) We’re very happy to hear this and appreciate your positive feedback.



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