
New Pricing Table Addon

New Pricing Table Addon

Increase conversions on your site by showcasing the prices of your product, services, or packages with the new Pricing Table addon. It's equipped with features that allow you to choose and insert an icon right beside your header, create a pop-out text with bouncing animation, or enlarge a pricing column where you would like to emphasize a certain price. Simple yet powerful, we've built it to give you the ability to customize the header, features list, and button styling. Start creating your own beautiful and responsive pricing tables on your site now.

Check out the Pricing Table addon demo page!


  1. Tejjas Barrot
    Apr 07, 2015 @ 11:16

    Excellent plugin. Thank you Team Themify. Keep spoiling us with lovely themes and plugins as we want to stay with you forever.


  2. Vic
    Apr 07, 2015 @ 11:56

    This is great! Also looking forward to that new theme. :)


  3. Volker Spechtmeyer
    Apr 07, 2015 @ 14:37

    Thanks a lot :-)

    Just out of curiosity …

    Will you maybe later make an update to choose between horizontal or vertical layout price tables ?

    Or is this unlikely ?


    • Kurt Uy
      Apr 07, 2015 @ 17:37

      That’s a good option and definitely something to consider. We’ll get one of our developers to look into it and see what we can do.


      • Vincish K V
        Aug 14, 2017 @ 08:48

        Dear Kurt

        In this Pricing table is there any option to custom css class


        • Nick @ Themify
          Aug 14, 2017 @ 17:50


          It looks like the additional CSS class field is missing in Pricing Table. We will fix this ASAP.


  4. Kim Khou
    May 03, 2018 @ 18:20

    This plugin doesn’t work in mobile :( Is it possible to fix it ?


    • Kim Khou
      May 03, 2018 @ 18:27

      Ah never mind! Pointers plugin actually interfere with pricing table plugin…


  5. Ava
    Oct 01, 2018 @ 17:36

    I have been combing the net looking for an eye-catching pricing table until I was almost about to give up luckily I stumbled upon this your marvelous post.
    I have one problem though, I don’t know whether there is any pricing table that is collapsible, when the items are too many it becomes boring scrolling from bottom to top.
    I will be more than happen if you could help introduce one to me.


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Oct 02, 2018 @ 14:04

      That sounds interesting. Please contact us here – and we’ll see what we can for you :)

