Another year older, wiser, and crazier, in terms of pushing the envelope, we hope!
We'd like to celebrate our 8th Anniversary with you all by giving everyone a massive 40% OFF on everything and 8 Free Master Club Giveaways!
We want to thank you all for your support, for seeing us through some major framework updates, and for being a part of our tightknit community. We are happy to report that that number has grown by more than 11,000+ to a total of 83,000+ users today! We are always motivated by all the amazing sites and stories you all continue to share and we're excited to make our next year even better than before.
40% OFF All Purchases (Including Lifetime Club!)
Take 40% OFF all of our products with promo code: CRAZY8 (it is the best time to sign up Master Club or Lifetime Club).
8 Master Club Giveaways
Be one of the crazy eights to receive a free Master Club! The Master Club is valued at $89, and comes with all the trimmings plus a full year of support and updates. All you have to do is submit an entry below. You can submit some of the following entries daily, and your chances of winning increases with every entry!
Don't let this awesome sale and giveaway pass you by. Take a chance, shake the 8 ball, and take advantage of this opportunity.
Themify's Crazy 8th Anniversary Sale runs from Monday, August 27th to Monday, September 3rd 2018 @11:59pm EST.
August 27, 2018 @ 4:27 am
Happy Birthday Themify!
August 27, 2018 @ 7:45 am
thank you and Happy Birthday!
August 27, 2018 @ 8:01 am
I’m a fan of Themify Builder, since I’ve been using with your Ultra theme, it has never been so easy to set up beautiful pages.
August 27, 2018 @ 8:27 am
August 27, 2018 @ 1:08 pm
I’d love to win a Master Club membership. I’ve used Themify for a few sites now and it’s great. Ultra theme is really easy and flexible to use. Having access to the theme PSD files as well would be very handy as I use Photoshop daily! I’m just about to revamp a website so it would be very useful right about now ;)
August 27, 2018 @ 1:18 pm
Happy Birthday and thanks for the giveaway!
I can see there have been a lot of massive updates and improvements to the Themify offering, so would be wonderful to win a Master Club membership 😉
August 27, 2018 @ 1:32 pm
My introduction to the mysterious “custom post types” started earlier this year with the help of the Posttype Builder. Suddenly it was understandable and easy to work with.
Now it would be fantastic to be able to publish pretty content from the custom post types… :-)
August 27, 2018 @ 1:36 pm
Happy birthday Themify! Committed to your content ever since I started using WordPress. I am too picky for normal themes, but you guys allow me to make what I want to make! Unfortunately still in college and don’t have a fortune to pay for your full version, so winning that free master club would be awesome. Keep up the awesomeness :-)
August 27, 2018 @ 2:24 pm
For another eighty years! Happy birthday
August 27, 2018 @ 2:33 pm
Happy Birthday! I would love to win one of your Master Club memberships. I have a an idea on a way to use one of your themes for my wife’s hobby. And I think your builder will let me get it there quickly.
August 27, 2018 @ 2:48 pm
Been a long time customer (and promoter) and would love to win the giveaway – especially now that your auto-update feature is finally coming! :-)
August 27, 2018 @ 3:00 pm
Happy Birthday! I would love to win Master Club memberships. Your themes are great and easy to modify with your builder.
August 27, 2018 @ 3:04 pm
Happy Birthday Themify Builder
Hope that you getting bigger and more creative and innovative.
August 27, 2018 @ 3:08 pm
Congrats on the anniversary guys!
August 27, 2018 @ 4:44 pm
My Standard Club subscription just expired! It would be really cool to win a Master Club membership :-)
August 27, 2018 @ 4:55 pm
I want to be a member with the most active,attractive themes and wordpress club.
August 27, 2018 @ 8:36 pm
I would love to use one of your themes for my new business!
August 27, 2018 @ 9:14 pm
Hello! Congratulations on your 8th anniversary! I should win the Crazy Giveaway because I’ve been an avid Themify user for many years and I tell everyone about it (and why they should use it, too!).
August 27, 2018 @ 11:47 pm
I’m a fan of Themify Builder. Happy birthday Themify!
August 28, 2018 @ 5:50 am
Happy birthday 🎂 !!!
August 28, 2018 @ 10:49 am
Happy birthday, Themify. Its awesome to see you are getting better with time. However, some of us are already on the master club – lifetime package and we are feeling left out of the goodies.
I am really enjoying the experience, not that we havent had issues but its been an enjoyable ride. Happy to be stuck with you. Not sure any other theme can lure me away as it is now
August 28, 2018 @ 3:10 pm
Beautiful themes and great support
August 28, 2018 @ 3:37 pm
Happy Birthday Themify …
August 28, 2018 @ 11:45 pm
Happy day ! Themify :)
August 29, 2018 @ 6:24 am
Hope to get in on this deal as I am in the process of starting to build. I have seen many YouTube videos that make this builder very alluring!
August 29, 2018 @ 3:15 pm
Congrats Themify team on the last 8 years of rocking the WordPress world! Many happy returns on your birthday, and here’s wishing you many more years of success ahead!
August 29, 2018 @ 4:44 pm
I love designing websites, I would love to win this giveaway so I can expand my business!
August 30, 2018 @ 2:54 am
Happy birthday, Themify! I can’t imagine using WordPress without you!
August 30, 2018 @ 12:52 pm
belated happy birthday themify
August 30, 2018 @ 2:45 pm
I love the Ultra theme and the Themify builder. Love to win a membership so I can create some beautiful websites for my clients.
August 30, 2018 @ 4:44 pm
Great themes and always evolving (love the new education skin for Ultra)!
August 30, 2018 @ 7:42 pm
8 years! Wow! Hope you guys last forever!
August 31, 2018 @ 2:52 pm
Happy Birthday… Thank you for my making my life easier as a designer.
August 31, 2018 @ 2:53 pm
Great templates! Looking for that nice educational theme for a school. Pick me!
August 31, 2018 @ 6:07 pm
Thanks Themify, I love the builder it’s super easy to use!
September 1, 2018 @ 3:20 am
I’ve been studying other programming platforms for the last 5 months. I’m so happy to get back to creating sites with Themify. It can do so much so quickly, it just Rocks.
September 1, 2018 @ 5:16 am
Happy anniversary Themify.
September 2, 2018 @ 11:31 pm
You don’t look a day over 4, Happy BirthdayVersary!
September 3, 2018 @ 1:16 pm
The best theme for wordpress. I’m so happy I discovered it!
September 3, 2018 @ 1:32 pm
Happy 8th Anniversary! More power and thank you for the giveaways!
September 3, 2018 @ 1:46 pm
Awesome themes!
September 3, 2018 @ 2:12 pm
No question about it, I rely on Themify and the amazing support. I would support Themify any way I can : )
I basically learned how to build my website with their great support team!
Thank you Themify!
September 3, 2018 @ 2:45 pm
Happy anniversary Themify.
September 3, 2018 @ 3:18 pm
I’ve been a fan for a long time and a previous club member twice. I enjoy how easy Themify makes it to build a world class and engaging website.
September 3, 2018 @ 3:19 pm
Is a good & happens celebration
September 3, 2018 @ 3:20 pm
I’m a fan!
September 3, 2018 @ 3:36 pm
Relly useful, flexible and functional templates.
Happy anniversary Themify!!!
September 3, 2018 @ 3:53 pm
Happy Birday!
September 3, 2018 @ 5:03 pm
Love the continually updated and upgraded WordPress themes
September 3, 2018 @ 7:56 pm
Happy Birthday Themify!
Making a website has never been so flexible like now… Thanks for all of your hard work!
September 3, 2018 @ 8:59 pm
Happy anniversary! I am ready to build a brand new website for my brand new business, and a Master Club membership would be absolutely dreamy! Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
September 4, 2018 @ 3:16 am
super easy to set up a website. without any knowledge of programming or coding, I have set up my own website. thank you Themify. keep up the good work.
wishing you success always.
September 4, 2018 @ 11:34 am
Happy birthday Themify
September 26, 2018 @ 2:10 pm
Themify! Committed to your content ever since I started using WordPress. I am too picky for normal themes, but you guys allow me to make what I want to make! Unfortunately still in college and don’t have a fortune to pay for your full version, so winning that free master club would be awesome. Keep up the awesomeness :-)