Happy 2023! We wish you a peaceful & prosperous New Year. Every new year, a lot of users need to update their copyright year in Themify's theme settings. As part of the v7 update, we've added a little feature that dynamically output the current year if you enter %year% in the Themify > Footer Text. So this might be your last time changing the copyright year.
30% Holiday Sale
Holiday sale is still on until January 13, 2023. Take 30% off our Builder Pro, themes, plugins, and Master Club (including renewals).
$50 Off Lifetime Club
The Lifetime Club is an exclusive membership that gives you LIFETIME access to all Themify products, future updates, and support.
January 27, 2023 @ 3:04 pm
May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements, and many new inspirations for everyone’s life