
Framework Update: Twitter Widget and Shortcode

Since Twitter has retired their API v1, you are now required to create your own Twitter Application in order to use Themify Twitter widget and shortcode. We've updated our framework to work with the new Twitter API. You just have to create an application with your own Twitter account and enter the keys in Themify > Settings > Twitter Setttings panel.

Step 1: Creating a Twitter Application

1. Go to Create an application on Twitter. You might need to login normally using your Twitter user name and password.

2. Enter a name, description and your website's URL in the corresponding fields, leave Callback URL empty. twitter-app-1

3. After creating the application, you'll be taken to your application home. Scroll down to the OAuth settings section
Twitter OAuth settings
You'll see the Consumer key and Consumer secret to copy them.

Step 2: Enter the access token

Go to Themify > Settings > Twitter Settings and paste in the Consumer key and Consumer secret keys.



  1. Jonathan
    Jul 16, 2013 @ 21:02

    This is incredible. I’ve been using a themify theme for a little while now on one of my websites, but this editor is a total game changer! Thanks for the awesome new products. loving it


  2. Admit
    Sep 18, 2013 @ 11:58

    Awesome, tutorial displays the twitter settings click by click and step by step with short code.


  3. ZacandChuck
    Oct 20, 2014 @ 16:51

    Twitter widget not displaying even after entering the consumer key and the consumer secret. not sure what I’m doing wrong?


  4. baidawi
    Aug 04, 2015 @ 05:32

    doesnt work.


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Aug 04, 2015 @ 16:04

      What seems to be the problem? Do you mind sending us an email at info[at] so that we can provide you with further support?


  5. James Leahy
    May 20, 2017 @ 02:24

    Same issues here. Right keys, but site is showing Themify’s tweets.


    • Kurt @ Themify
      May 23, 2017 @ 17:29

      Please contact us here – so we can better provide you support. Thank you for your patience.


      Oct 10, 2018 @ 14:53

      Same problem here with themify tweets. Is there any solution?


      • Nick @ Themify
        Oct 10, 2018 @ 15:13

        Do you Twitter API key entered in Themify > Settings > Twitter Settings?


          Oct 10, 2018 @ 15:16

          Yes I followed the guide and both api key and api secret key is set in the themify twitter settings


        • L
          Feb 13, 2019 @ 16:50

          I have the same issue. Entered the API keys and yet my site is showing themify tweets



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