
New Builder Addon: Tiles

Inspired by the Metro design in Windows 8, we are very excited to introduce the Tiles addon. Both front and back tile are customizable with options to display text, icons, maps, buttons, or galleries. It also includes 10 flip effects with the option to set an auto flip timer. It is by far one of our most powerful and versatile Builder Addons. With the Builder frontend live preview mode, the tiles can easily be arranged by dragging & dropping it anywhere on the page. View the demo page to see some sample usages of the Tiles addon. We've also created a demo video where we showcase the Tiles addon in action, and also highlight some it's amazing features.


  1. Ryan
    Nov 14, 2014 @ 15:05

    Looks great. Can’t wait to try this out.


  2. Brielle
    Nov 17, 2014 @ 01:59

    You guys are rocking! Thanks for thinking of this.



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