
Themify & Builder Update with WordPress 4.5!

In the WordPress 4.5 release, WordPress made significant changes and updated the core jQuery library. This caused many issues with various WordPress themes and plugins in the industry that were dependent on jQuery. Realizing this, our development team took immediate action, making sure that all Themify themes and the Builder plugin are compatible with the latest WordPress update. Thanks to the hard-work of our dev team, we were able to release a new update on the same day that the WordPress 4.5 was released. Aside from making sure all Themify themes/plugins runs smoothly with WP 4.5, we also included multiple bug fixes, and an improved user experience when using the Builder by making the Builder lightbox load faster. It is now safe to update your WordPress and our themes/Builder to the latest version.


  1. Brandon
    Apr 18, 2016 @ 03:19

    You guys are really the best! Thank you for all your hard work and effort! This is why my company continues to partner with you for our WordPress design needs.


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Apr 18, 2016 @ 21:16

      Thanks for the awesome feedback Brandon :)


  2. Tom
    Apr 18, 2016 @ 16:01

    Unfortunately I just updated WP to the ver 4.5 and now I can’t launch themify builder… :(


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Apr 18, 2016 @ 21:17

      Allow us to help. Do you mind sending us an email at info[at] so we can provide you with more accurate support?


  3. Geguritan
    Apr 19, 2016 @ 07:21

    Wow thank you Mr. Kurt, it’s work carefully :)
    Good Job


  4. Timothy Edwards
    Apr 19, 2016 @ 10:26

    Themify Builder is still not working on my sites. I did NOT receive an update notification inside my wordpress dashboard though. Please help. I am unable to edit information on my sites.


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Apr 19, 2016 @ 16:53

      Hi Timothy,

      Please allow us to provide you further support via email. Please contact us here –


    • Bob Roth
      May 31, 2016 @ 00:18

      Installed Ultra update and could not edit information on my site. Had to restore backed up pre-update files.


      • Kurt @ Themify
        May 31, 2016 @ 17:14

        Hi Bob,

        Please send us an email at info[at] and we’ll further investigate this issue for you. Please include your site URL as well.


  5. IndoBotol
    Apr 20, 2016 @ 14:37

    Hi Kurt, what an awesome..really works great here. Cant wait another upgrade for more awesomeness


  6. Jamie Page
    Apr 25, 2016 @ 13:17

    I didn’t experience this smooth transition, instead I’ve had issues ever since I updated (

    What’s the best course of action?


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Apr 25, 2016 @ 19:40

      Do you mind contacting us here – so that we can better provide you support? Please outline the issues that you encountered.


  7. Rick
    Apr 26, 2016 @ 16:43

    I have the same issue. I can no longer edit my site. The themify builder Options menu is permanently in an open position and does not respond. Help!
    Has this been resolved yet?


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Apr 26, 2016 @ 17:22

      Hi Rick,

      Do you mind emailing us your site URL so we can further investigate the issue at info[at] For now, please do the following:
      1 Make sure you’re using the latest framework and theme version
      2 Clear Builder Cache. To do this, please go to your WP Admin > Themify theme > Themify Settings > Themify Builder (


  8. OConnor Vanessa
    May 08, 2016 @ 22:48

    I have the same problem I cannot launch themify builder after updating my wordpress. I had some customization done to my themify music theme and was told by the developer not to upgrade themify music theme. I don’t know what to do. I have a new developer now and I’m scared I will loose my customization if I upgrade themify music theme … but I know builder stopped working after I did WP upgrade. Please help I’m on a time crunch. My website is


    • Kurt @ Themify
      May 09, 2016 @ 15:30


      Please send us an email at info[at] and we’ll further investigate this issue. Thank you for your patience.


  9. Peter
    Jun 10, 2016 @ 08:19

    Unfortunately Themify FLOW in combination with Themeify Builder is suffering from jQuery issues.
    At least I am experiencing this.
    I get error messages about jQuery scripts that stop working and conflict.
    The whole installation freezes up and can’t be handled.
    I ahve tried to get help on the support forum – but withoput any luck so far.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 10, 2016 @ 16:48

      Hi Peter,

      Sorry to hear about this. The latest version of Flow & Builder should work well together as we released a compatibility update a while ago. Please write directly to us if you need further help:


  10. Ellen
    Sep 16, 2016 @ 13:49


    I have update Ultra into WordPress 4.6.1 and now I cannot use Customizer.. what do I need to do?


    • Kurt @ Themify
      Sep 16, 2016 @ 16:40

      Hi Ellen,

      Are you using the latest theme version? This sounds like you’re using an older version of the theme which is causing the issue with the latest WordPress update. If you’re using the latest theme version but still get issues with the customization panel. Please contact us here – and we’ll look into this for you immediately. Thank you for your patience.


  11. Savira
    Sep 29, 2016 @ 06:05

    hi kurt,
    You have excellent recommendations. I have a niche blog and am looking to take it to the next level. This will help me. Thank you and best regards.

    thank you for giving me the necessary information


  12. Ali
    May 29, 2017 @ 12:52

    I have problem my themify builder not wroking on website domain. But work properly on wamp server. How can i solve this issue


    • Kurt @ Themify
      May 30, 2017 @ 17:01

      Please allow us to help. Do you mind emailing us directly here – so that we can better provide you support?


    May 23, 2018 @ 00:16

    Hey themify! First of all you guys are the best theme providers out there!! I am having some issues with my front end builder! It´s not working! What should I do? Thank you!


    • Kurt @ Themify
      May 23, 2018 @ 17:30

      Hi Eric,

      We got your email :) Please allow us to continue to provide you support via email. Thank you so much for your patience.


  14. Lampung
    Dec 04, 2018 @ 04:42

    You Mr. Kurt. Thank you for all your hard work and effort!



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