We believe that word of mouth and genuine reviews are the best form of advertisement. Now, when you write a review about Themify, you will be eligible to receive a FREE Master Club!

Whether you’ve been using Themify for years, or thinking about trying us out for the first time, we’d love to hear your thoughts about us in the form of an online review. Eligible reviews include product reviews on either the Ultra Theme or Themify Builder.

Please keep in mind that you must write a full review! Tell us what you like, don’t like, and any additional suggestions you have. We prefer detailed explanations specifically about design, the installation process, the technical specs, the usage, and any other aspects you’d like to include.

If the calibre of your review is high, we would love to share and promote your post!

Note: Reviews need to be posted on your blog. Then send us the link of your review through the contact form below to become eligible for the free Master Club membership.

Please submit your review using the submission form below.
(Ensure all fields are filled out. Don’t forget your name and site URL.)


Users will write a review about either the Ultra Theme or Themify Builder, and will be eligible to receive a free Master Club in return. The following guidelines must be followed to be eligible:

  • Users must have a live WordPress website with active content.
  • The website must not contain adult content, or any content that is associated with illegal activities.
  • Your blog must have actual content, no spam or stolen content, and have a history of blog posts.
  • If the reviewer fails to publish the review, we'll revoke the free Master Club membership.
  • We reserve the right to reject any entries.

As long as the entry qualifies the above rules, you will be eligible to receive a Free Master Club for 1 year!