We've restructured the templates of our WooCommerce themes. This will provide better compatibility for future WooCommerce upgrades and third party WooCommerce extensions. This update mainly involved in backend changes. As requested by many users, we've added the product description and additional information tabs in product single page.
Since there are existing files that will no longer be used they must be deleted after you upgrade the theme. These files are common to our current WooCommerce themes: Minshop, Pinshop, Shopdock and Shopo.
If you're upgrading from a version of these themes released before June 3, 2013, please follow these steps:
- Access your site's server by FTP,
- Go to 'wp-content > themes' folder, then the active theme folder (eg. minshop, pinshop, shopdock, or shopo)
- Remove the following files and folders (if they exist):
- archive-product.php
- includes/loop-product-single.php
- loop/add-to-cart.php
- loop/sale-flash.php
- single-product (this is a folder)
- single-product.php
- woocommerce/functions (folder)
- woocommerce/single-product-reviews.php
June 4, 2013 @ 10:09 am
Great template, I love it.
But I have an issue with the update. Previously I was able to setup the main shop page with no sidebar, allowing to have something very beautiful.
Then on product categories, the sidebar was activated to allow people to filter content based on attributes.
Now, it’s not possible anymore :(, so I downgraded my pinshop version.
A very cool feature, would be to have like the product sorter, the ability to filter pages with Woocommerce navfilters, not on the sidebar, but on the same level of the product sorter. It allows to keep the full liquid interface, powered by the filters.
June 4, 2013 @ 7:22 pm
Could you post on our forum: https://themify.me/forum so we can check it?
August 2, 2013 @ 4:45 am
Hello Nick,
I did exactly that in the latest minshop theme’s folder but unfortunately those removals did not change anything. Not only do I have Free products on the home page but also page number duplicates at the bottom of this page.
I notice that there is an “include” folder inside the “include” folder that you mentioned above. are there any similar files to remove in that folder?
Help please!
August 2, 2013 @ 6:21 pm
Hi Fred,
Please post on our forum and we will be happy to help you.