ThemeMin is one of our popular themes out right now. With that in mind, we've decided to release another minimal theme called Edmin that targets at the editorial and magazine sites. The theme will come with a configurable feature slider. It has multiple layout options such as list view and various grid views. Below is the design mockup of Edmin.
Framework 1.0.3 Released!
We've officially launched version 1.0.3 of the Themify framework today. With this version we hope to eliminate manual updates for our users. Not only was it tiring for us to iterate and reiterate when a new version, of either a theme or the framework, came out but we knew it wasn't fun for our users to have to manually download a file and then upload it to their site each time.
To be able to use the auto upgrading feature your server will need the following requirements:
- Have the ability to read / open remote files
- Have the curl PHP Library Installed
- Have the ZipArchive PHP Library installed
By default, the framework will detect if your server has the proper PHP libraries and will provide a link to a .zipped version of the file for manual download and installation use.
We keep an active change log of all themes and the framework versions and updates here:
Hope you guys enjoy!
Auto Upgrading: Coming Soon
In our first framework update we added support for image handling, fixed folder and file structures, and cleaned up some of our code. We did a silent update to the framework, 1.0.2, and we'd like to share what was added and what's coming up in the future.
We silently released an upgrade to the framework about a week ago that included some cool features:
We introduced WordPress shortcodes into our latest theme Bizco and wanted to include this functionality to all our themes by packing it into the core.
Open JS
We had been minifying the frameworks core Javascript file for speed and to hide a bit of it's awesome functionality. We wanted to open this up to our users and now provide an "un-minified" version of this file.
New Helper Functions
themify_get and themify_check are two new helper functions introduced in 1.0.2. Each has it's own purpose to help you get or check variables from either custom fields or the Themify frameworks stored settings.
The next version of the framework, 1.0.3, will include a few new features including a much needed "Auto Upgrade" function.
Auto Upgrading
To make everyone's life easier, we're adding automatic theme and framework version checks that will prompt you to upgrade if you are running an older version of either. This will hopefully mitigate any future issues and help to keep everyone up-to-date with the latest and greatest.
If you'd like to be a beta tester for version 1.0.3 of the framework just post below and we'll get in contact with you.
Bizco Released
Our newest theme, Bizco, utilities a lot of the new WordPress 3.0 features such as custom post types and child theme support. These features make managing your site a lot easier. Along with a number of other features, we've introduced a new page templating option which will allow you to query and display posts along with the page content. To celebrate Thanksgiving holiday and this theme launch, we are offering 20% discount on our themes. Enter "thanksgiving" coupon code on checkout to save 20% discount. Code valid until Oct 15, 2010.
Custom Page Template
You can add a query of posts, from a certain category, to your page. You can choose from a variety of layout options to style the queried posts as well as select the number of posts per page and specific image settings. Take a look at our demo to see how we can have various layouts on different pages and posts.
Bizco Sneak Peek
Time to give you a sneak peek at our next theme to be released — Bizco. This theme was made to be very clean and professional which is perfect for businesses and general company web sites. It takes full advantage of the new WordPress 3.0 features, such as custom post types, to manage the homepage content. Sorry, we can't say much more then that for now. We'll be looking forward to getting this new theme in your hands very soon.
Theme 1.1 and Framework Updates
Since launched in August, we've been collecting a lot of feedbacks, suggests, and bug reports. Over the last two weeks, we've focused on making our themes better. Today we are happy to announce that Themify has its first official framework update and all themes have rolled to version 1.1. We've made a lot changes and fixed a handful of bugs in both our themes and the core framework. This post will give you a little more insight about what's new or different from the last version.
We've gotten rid of a lot of redundent code and re-arranged a few files and folders in order to keep things organized.
- Removed all Framework specific functions from
and moved to a new filecustom_modules.php
. - Moved the image
folder outside of thethemify
folder into the theme root folder - Replaced all image references in the template files with the new
function (read more about the themify_image function)