You’ve asked for it, now you’ve got it! We've updated Themify Builder Lite to give you premium access to all the modules. We've unlocked 14 modules, previously only available in the Themify Builder Premium, to give you an even better experience with multiple tools to choose from. Basically, you can now build pages, using our drag-and-drop interface without any restriction! Aside from this, we've also updated Themify Builder Lite with some enhancements and bug fixes making it run smoother and faster. Download it now on!
New Ultra eCommerce Skin Release for WooCommerce Shops!
Two months ago, we conducted a survey asking all of you which Ultra skin we should build next, and one of the most requested was eCommerce. Today we're very excited to release the new Ultra eCommerce skin! Built to help you create the ultimate online store, it comes with a beautiful shop and homepage layout that can be easily imported with just a single click. We've paired this skin with the Themify Product Filter, allowing your customers to quickly search through your store by price range, category, attributes, tags, and much more.
Increase Sales & Convert Better with the Free WC Product Filter plugin!
The Ultimate Tool to Help Shoppers Find Products Faster and Easier!
Shopping online can be very time consuming, especially if you have to shift through hundreds of products. With the WC Product Filter, you can help shoppers easily find products on your WooCommerce shop. This free WordPress plugin allow users to easily filter through products by price range, categories, attributes, tags, and much more. As users select a filter they'll be able to see live search results where products will instantly be displayed on the page. In addition to this, we've added the ability to create filter combinations! Unlike many other product filters, where you can only select one filter at a time, WC Product Filter allows multiple selections which help shoppers to refine the product search results.
No Tricks All Treats Halloween Sale!
30% Sale + $50 Off Lifetime Club
We're skipping the tricks and going all out with some amazing treats for everyone! Get your treat baskets ready this Halloween as we're giving a 30% discount to purchase any Themify product (excluding Lifetime Master Club). Just use the coupon code: TREAT4U during checkout.
Get Fit and Stay Healthy with the Ultra Apple Update!
Fall's the perfect season that brings out the best and healthiest fruits, but nothing keeps the doctors away better than a bright red apple! Which is why it's perfect that we call our latest Ultra update - Apple. This latest update brings you new and exciting features that'll make your site better than ever.
Recreating the PayPal Site Design with Themify Builder
Creating an effective landing page is essential for any business. Finding the perfect blend of showcasing relevant content, a clear call-to-action while creating an eye-catching layout are key elements when doing this. But for many users, simply having the creative vision isn't enough - you need the perfect tool to help turn it into a reality.