When Apple release the flat styled iOS7 this fall, flat design will definitely go BIGGER! Are you ready to dive in this hot trend? Good news is we have the perfect Flat theme for you! Our latest theme Flat is beautiful, modern, bold and colorful. Modern web design is about interaction and technology. Flat theme utilized HTML5, Javascript, and CSS3 to display the content beautifully. As the page scrolls down, the content will appear with various transitional effects: fly-in, fade-in, slide-in, drop-in, animated circles and progress bars. Aside from the Themify Builder, Flat is packed with many extra shortcodes and custom post types such as Section, Timeline, Team, Portfolio, and Testimonial. Get Flat theme now to flatten your site!
We are offering a 30% disount code for this new theme. Use the coupon code "flat" to save 30% until Jul 23, 2013.