We’d like to extend congratulations to our client Ken Mah of M Web Designs, and the Themify team for a win from the International Summit Emerging Media Awards. The international award recognizes excellence in the digital and emerging media fields, open to companies and agencies of all sizes. Past winners have been Deloitte, Hewlett Packard and Jack Morton Worldwide.
Themify and M Web Designs made a joint entry and won the “Innovator Award”, the equivalent of a silver, in the Business to Business 2017 category.
Winning Site: M Web Design
Base Theme: Ultra
Entries from over 18 countries were made and we feel very proud to be recognized along with Ken Mah on the world stage.
Ken Mah is also the co-designer of Themify Ultra skins. When M Designs needed a new website developed, Ken tells us the natural choice was to pick Themify Ultra to build their website with.
Thank you Ken for the continued partnership and friendship, and congratulations to all of the other Summit Emerging Media Award 2017 winners!
Read Ken Mah's story and see some more of his featured work by checking out his customer story.
March 22, 2018 @ 8:30 am
March 22, 2018 @ 9:54 am
March 22, 2018 @ 10:37 am
Congrats Themify! 100% support!
March 21, 2019 @ 7:38 am
I checked the theme; it’s pretty cool and nice for a blog. But how about the page loading of this theme was it fast?