8 Beautifully Designed Fashion Blogs Powered by Themify

8 Beautifully Designed Fashion Blogs Powered by Themify

Are you a fashion blogger? Or aspiring to be one? We're seeing a growing trend with many of users who're starting to design fashion focused blogs. Many of these site are beautifully designed, have a minimalist layout, and is heavily integrated with social media. With the hope of inspiring all of you aspiring to start your own fashion blog, we've decided to share 8 of our favourite fashion blogs powered by Themify.

Natasha Oakley Blog

Base Theme: Elemin

This site features the fashion and lifestyle blog of Natasha Oakley. Made because of her ever-growing social media following, this site showcases a simple yet elegant style. Using the Elemin theme as her base theme, she uses a plain white background so that her images and text are always the main focus of her users.


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Free Themify Shortcodes Plugin!

Free Themify Shortcodes Plugin!

Updated: June 28, 2017

Use 16 Themify shortcodes with the free Themify Shortcodes Plugin.  We've taken all the same shortcodes available in our Themify themes, and placed it into this plugin to give everyone the ability to use it with any third-party WordPress theme. This plugin also comes with a shortcode generator on the text editor, allowing you to easily insert shortcodes without having to manually type it and its parameters.

Demo Download Plugin (more…)

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Dianta Weeda – Doing My Dream Job with Themify

Dianta Weeda – Doing My Dream Job with Themify

Meet Dianta Weeda, a blogger-turned-web designer, thanks to Themify! She is the latest addition to our Themify Customer Story series. Read how she was able to find her dream job through Themify, and how she utilized the framework customization features to create beatiful sites for her clients. Read her story below.

The Beginning - Failure leading to Success

Right out of school I started my own little shop in women clothing. Unfortunately the shop didn’t bring me the success I hoped for. I needed to close and perceive a different carrier. But what to do when you already had a dream job? I gave myself a year to do whatever I liked, and I started blogging about creative entrepreneurs. I combined creative writing, photography and the challenges of entrepreneurship. (more…)

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Build ‘The Guardian’ Design with Themify Flow

Build ‘The Guardian’ Design with Themify Flow

Made by Themify Flow guru, Michael Oglesby, this tutorial shows how to replicate the popular UK newspaper site, The Guardian, with the Themify Flow. Through the Flow framework he was able to recreate the 3 menu header layout, post category sections, and even the 4 column menu footer layout. We are very impressed with his work, and he was kind enough to share with us how he was able to do this by writing a guest post on Themify Flow Blog.

Update: Due to copyright reason, TheGuardian requested this post to be removed.

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Super Labour Week Sale

Super Labour Week Sale

Relax and get your creative juices flowing with a Themify theme/plugin this Labour Day! Enjoy saving 30% off all Themify purchases starting today until next Monday (September 14, 2015). Simply purchase any Themify theme, plugin, addon, or Club membership (excluding the Lifetime Master Club) with the coupon code: LABOURDAY and start saving. Feel free to also use this coupon code to renew or extend your memberships.

Have a fun and relaxing Labour Day!

NOTE: This sale does not apply to the Lifetime Master Club membership.

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Slider Pro Addon Revamped

We've revamped our Slider Pro addon with a bunch of bug fixes, improved overall performance, and user experience when using this Builder addon. To ensure smoother and faster performance, we've removed some of the transition effects that have caused the slider to lag. We've also improved the responsiveness of this addon, making sure that it can be viewed beautifully across all devices and resolution. For users who already have the addon in their member area (i.e. Master/Lifetime Master Club members), just update it to the latest version 1.0.2, and you'll get the revamped version of the Slider Pro.

Check out the revamped Slider Pro addon demo page now!

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