You’ve asked for it, now you’ve got it! We've updated Themify Builder Lite to give you premium access to all the modules. We've unlocked 14 modules, previously only available in the Themify Builder Premium, to give you an even better experience with multiple tools to choose from. Basically, you can now build pages, using our drag-and-drop interface without any restriction! Aside from this, we've also updated Themify Builder Lite with some enhancements and bug fixes making it run smoother and faster. Download it now on!
Build Faster Pre-made Sites with Ultra Mango Update
2 New Skin Demos + 9 Bonus Addons + New Stripe Header + 10+ Parallax Layouts!
Mangoes, because of their sweet flavor, are the perfect fruit to satisfy any sweet-tooth craving. Tasting the best during the spring and summer seasons, we wanted to bring you one last summer treat as we cap off the last few days of summer.
Tiles Update – New Fluid Width!
One of the most requested features of the Tiles addon is finally here! Introducing fluid width—a feature that allows you to showcase tile layout from edge-to-edge on any resolution. In the past, all tiles are fixed dimensions, users can only adjust the tile's dimensions by adding padding and margin around it.
Framework Update: Draggable Columns + Full Backend Builder + Row Parallax Scrolling!
With this new framework update, we've added some new enhancements that will help you to speed up designing layouts with the Builder. We mainly re-aligned the Builder frontend and backend interface making it more consistent both the look and feel, and the functionalities.
Framework Update: Parallax Scrolling, Responsive Styling, and Gradient Editor!
Styling is an integral part of web design. Making sure that we provide you with as much flexibility, and control to customize various aspects of your sites has always been our core focus. And for this framework update, we're placing that front and center, by adding 3 new styling features that'll make your site stand out from the rest! Introducing gradient background, parallax scrolling modules, and responsive styling added to the customize panel.
Gradient Editor
Add a beautiful gradient effect on any row, column, and module with the new gradient editor. The gradient is extremely easy to use which shows live preview on the frontend Builder. You can create linear and radial gradients with multiple color stops. The gradient editor is also available in the row overlay styling which allows you to add a semi-transparent gradient over the background.
Ultra Update: More Layouts & 2 Month Free Trial!
It's been a year since the initial release of our most flexible & powerful theme—Ultra. Since then we've added many new features focused on making it better, easier-to-use, and more flexible. This has led to a steady growth with our user base, and has become one of our most popular themes. And now we're at it again by adding some cool new features to this themes arsenal. In this latest update, we've added 4 new post layouts, full section scrolling, and a new split menu design.